22. You're special

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I reminisced waking up in the middle of the night, crying, holding onto Hardin so tightly while telling him to leave me alone, to let go off me, to run away from me because all I could end up giving him is misery and pain. I could remember it faintly even though I don't remember what nightmare it was this time around. I stare at him sleep peacefully beside me looking like he didn't get any sleep through the night. His arms still wrapped me and his hair was a mess.

He was lying beside me here in my bed even after I run out on him last night because I couldn't handle my memories. I know at this point I need a really good excuse or I have to come clean about whatever was going on with me. Sadly, I wasn't ready to scare him away... not just yet.

My alarm went off and I quickly silenced it so I wouldn't wake him up. He is a CEO after all. I'm sure he won't have a query waiting for him if he goes to work late on a Monday morning.

I have to use this opportunity to escape from any questions he might ask about last night.

I slowly and gently pry his arms off me and was about to get out of bed when he gathered me back in his arms. This time around, hugging me very close from the back our bodies touching.

"Let's sleep for a while. Elai would take care of things. And don't worry about me." He voice came out hoarse.

I was still stiff, waiting for him to start questioning but he wouldn't. It looked like he was content with lying beside me and close to me. It made me more uncomfortable like he always made me when he goes dead silence on an issue. The silence was eating at me.

"Your hair smells like me. It makes me want to own you. Do you wanna be mine?" He purred childishly. It sounded so unexpected and weird coming from him so much even though there was no hint of sarcasm in his words, I couldn't help but silently laugh.

"Get some sleep while you're in my arms. It's an honour to sleep in this strong arms you know, if I were you I'd grab this once in a life time opportunity." He huskily joked.

"Proud spoilt brat." I whispered a cuss and a smile covered my lips. I relaxed against his warm skin. Before I knew it, I was off.

"I will cook super today. What do you wanna eat?" Hardin opened the front door for me but I froze at his words as every bit of memory from last night flooded me. My behavior at the dining table, my nightmare. He must've been shocked about the dining incident but he wouldn't say a thing about it.

"Take it like a treat from a friend?" He urged on.

I gazed at him, a brow raised, "Friend?" I questioned. Is he drawing a line?

We can only be friends, don't think we can be more than that. Is that what he's doing now?

"Hgh...Aren't we... friends?"

His question made me even more typical and old fashioned. But I wasn't ready to play friends with benefit with him. Do friends cuddle in each other's beds? Do they look at each other the way I look at him? Does he want to protect me just because he think of me as a friend?

"Oh yes...sure we are! See you after work." I strode straight into my car and drove out.

How can the brat give me all those feelings and call me a friend? I scoffed and sighed throughout my drive. The more I thought about it, the more sense it made. I should come to terms with it. I agree that being friends is the only level we could get to. Deep down I know I don't have the right to be more than friends with anyone especially him.

I keep asking myself if I wanted more from him. But I never pictured him in my future or made plans considering him. I know I wanted something from him and it should be enough if I could get just that. Shouldn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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