15. Other sides of you

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Hardin Alexander

Her breathe fanned my face and I smiled. She was awake, her strand of hair fell beside me brushing my upper arm. If she knew, she would've tagged it away by now. It smelled like strawberries. I know she is staring at me right now.

Last night I had carried her to my bed and tugged her in. After staring at her sleep for sometime, I decided I'd sleep on the couch. It was uncomfortable as fuck.

While staring at her sleep, I had thought about all the reasons she wouldn't want to sleep in her room, if she was scared to sleep in a room away from home, if she just wanted to be here, if she had nightmares when she sleeps at hotels. But none of that makes sense because she lives alone and had been on several business trips. I couldn't find any good reason. She obviously was hiding something.

"You shouldn't steal glances at people when they sleep." I teased, my eyes still closed. She lurched to her feet, I could hear foot steps backing away from me.

"I wasn't staring. I .. I wanted to wake you. Guess that's not needed anymore."

"Good morning" I purred smiling. I opened my eyes.

"Why do you always make that voice when you wake up?"

"Why do you always stare when I sleep?"

"Both times I was going to wake you up..... Would go get ready now" she strode off closing the door behind her.

I smiled. Fiery

She finally came out after an hour or two. She looks gorgeous in the blue dress she wore yesterday.
I scowled.

"Why's your hair in a bun?"

"I should play the part if am going to be your secretary. Most secretaries keep their hair in a bun." She said as she walks in front of me. I pulled the bun making the hair fall. She gasped and spun around facing me.

She glared and propped her hand forward showing me her palm, signalling me to give the bun back to her.

"This looks better on you." I told her but still dropped the bun in her palm. "But, You can still decide" hands in pocket I strode passed her.

I know how she was going to react anyway, she'd raise her brow and roll her eyes.


The whole building was bustling and almost crowded when we stepped in. I had forgotten this was the norm. Mr Luis was a powerful man that has millions of people working for him. His company is one of the biggest companies in Mexico. The elevator dinged on his floor.

Once we got out, Alfonso met us in front of the elevator. He's eyes widened when they settled on Eve. His mouth agape. It took him a minute to recover. Now am beginning to regret pulling off that bun.

"You're welcome" he shook Eve brimming.

"Thank you Mr Alfonso" she smiled.

"You too Mr Williams"
I gave him a curt nod as he led the way to the familiar chamber.

"Hardin! you're here son" Mr Luis patted my upper arm and shook my hand. There was a lady in her 30s who I knew was an interpreter. The two other men in the room were in their mid forties and both look sophisticated and wealthy.

"How your parent doing?" He asked

"They good"

"Wonderful" he turned to the men "Este es mi hijo del que hablé. Estoy seguro de que ya lo has visto en las revistas. es hijo de un viejo amigo mío. Es el director ejecutivo del grupo de empresas Williams. Sr. Hardin Alexander Williams. (This is my son i talked about. I'm sure you have already seen him in the magazines. he is a son of an old friend of mine. he is the ceo of Williams group of companies. Mr Hardin Alexander williams.)" He introduced me. The interpreter repeated every word he said in french.

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