17. Intruder

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Everly Anderson

Hey." His hands were on my mine squeezing them gently. I lazily opened my eyes. I had slept on our way back.

"We're here." I rub my eyes.

"Yeah, you need a warm shower before you catch a cold. Let's hurry in."

"Mmm" I nodded

My eyes were still drowsy when we got to our floor. I paced towards my door.

"Watch a movie with me." Hardin stated.

I spun around to check his reaction.

"If you done showering, of course." His hand on the door knob, his gaze on me.

We became close this few days, we didn't even know it. If he was anyone or the Hardin I knew a few days back I would have called him out on his words, the way they lack request, lack permission and plead.

"Right..." There was more I should've said to him, ask him. If he really wanted to watch a movie, or he was worried about me .. has he suspected anything? Did I wake him up last night when I had that dream?.. he was fast asleep when I checked on him, checked if it was really him I saw in my dream. I'd stood by the couch about an hour, just looking. I was so stun....to see him there, in that dream.

I'd drawn closer to take in his facial figures, his thick lashes, his beautifully carved nose, his pale red lips, his perfect jawline, his neatly shaped stubble hair that I felt the edge to touch, his soft breathe, I found him attractive. Buts that's all about it. It should be all about it.

"You blush when he flatter you" my subconscious retorted.

That's because he hardly do. It really strange when he does.

I dried my hair with a dryer after I settled in pants and loose shirt. After putting my hair in a bun, I stroll out of my room.

The door flung open once I rang it.

"I got popcorn and drinks. You like horror?" his eyes looked cheerful, a kind of cheerful I've never seen them. Even if I wanted to say no, I couldn't.

"Am cool"

"Great then" he smiled. He was getting comfortable with me, he was letting me in and it felt nice. To be this comfortable around each other is all I ever wanted.

I sat on the couch, legs crossed underneath me while I munch on my popcorn. I huddle closer to him anytime a scary scene is screened. I had to pester him to choose one which is less scary but even that wasn't helping. He would chuckle and tease me now and then, whenever I huddle closer.

Almost to the end of it, sleep starts to rob my sanity, causing me to yawn every second.

"Go sleep on the bed" he commanded.
I sleepily rolled my eyes at him. 

"What's it to you to command, I don't .....take orders from no one" I slurred and yawned.  He chuckle. I might've gotten too use to him to show him these sides of me..

"Fight me tommorow all you want. Just get some sleep for now. Am gonna carry you to the bed if you sleep here anyway." His eyes were laughing but he kept a smile on. I know he was teasing me.

If I wasn't too scared of my own nightmares I would've fought him to the end and walked out on him, to my room.
But I have no other refuge, it was pointless fighting him.

I sauntered to the bed, lifted the covers and got in. Within a minute I was out.

The sudden closing of the door woke me up in the middle of the night, I thought I saw Hardin come in. I was so sleepy I didn't ask him where he was from or what he's gone to do. I saw him walk to my bed and sat at the edge, before I drifted to back to sleep

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