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Hardin Alexander

I slipped into the car, seatbelt buckled. I rolled down the glasses and opened the top of the car. The chilled breeze hit me as I sped out of the house. I asked Martin to get me something fancy, didn't know it was going to be the latest Lamborghini.

It's been almost two years I came down here. I miss this.

My call tab dinged. I picked.

"Yoo man, welcome home." Harvey sang from the other side. "I can't wait to see you. What kinda party is it gonna be this time?"

"Not interest" I deadpanned.

"What?... Can I speak to Hardin Alex Williams? This definitely ain't the jerk. Did the American girls fuck ur brains out?" He said almost laughing

"Shut it dickhead."

"Boy, the whole crew's gonna be there and you want party cancelled? Nuh, you'll come. We've got a lot of surprise for ya, you'll love it." I know he has a grin plastered on his face right now. When Harvey talks about parties, he meant girls. The party is going to be filled with girls.

I suddenly remembered the crazy jerk he was 5 years ago. He had organize a welcome party for me when I came back from the states. He just never grew up. "Jesus Harvey...if you play any games this time around, am gonna rip your flesh from your skin."

He chuckled "Whoa whoa..calm down man...this one's gonna be lit...you'll appreciate it." He was still laughing.
I could hear noises at the background. Guess campus is teeming, I might be late. "By the way lecture's in an hour. See you soon Monk. And please don't let me ask you again about the party?" He begged.

Coming back to Australia felt like home. And home means responsibilities. I've got be more responsible, got to be more focus. Focus on the company, the other myself. I should face it now.

"I have a lot to do this time around Harvey. I'm not gonna make it. " I told him.

"Dont be boring ...I know as much as you do, that you no monk. Boy... you a hoe" he laid much emphasis on the last word.

"Thats it. Am hanging up" I tapped the hang up button.

He was kinda right. I did really play with a number of the Americans...I think it grew out of me.

I sped up. The breeze was colder now. I shouldn't be late for my first day after two years of being away.

By the time I got to campus, my hair was a mess. I shook my head and raked my fingers through it. It should be better now. I looked around . It was a whole new environment. Within two years this place was a total transformation. I could see a crowd of people staring at me, or the car? Dunno which. They were talking among themselves.

Harvey spotted me.

"Hardin. Finally" he gave me a huge hug. The rest of the boys Justin and Evans gave me a slight punch on my chest and a hug.

"Guys thats painful" I laughed. I missed them. I miss being with them. I miss being here. Being with them make me feel I got no responsibility, no business to take care of, no work to do, no shareholders or investors to impress. Made me feel like the young adult I am.

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