13. Blood

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Everly Anderson

I sip my strawberry drink and stir the straw through it. I had packed for the next day's trip but just like always I got this lingering feeling I left something.

My legs crossed under the table, elbows propped up on the table, with my drink in my hands I watch the documentary on my ipad.
Trying my best to imitate the words the curator pronounced.

I've been trying to learn some of the dictions I would need for my presentation for the Williams project like forever. If I wasn't smart It would have taken a year.

Henley stomped into the cafe, she spotted me after scanning all over. She strode over, rage and fury written all over her face.

"What's wrong?" I scowled taking off my ear-pods.

"That piss of shit.. that conniving little bastard" she gritted her teeth. The last time I saw her this mad was when she met the devil beside my hospital bed. And she's also like this when she meets her parent sometimes not as severe though.

"Babes talk to me."

"You told me to dig up Althea, that piece of shit as a husband has being abusing his wife" she squealed and my jaw dropped.

Althea and I weren't really that close because she was a shy type, won't open up about a single thing. But she respected, smile with me, been cool with me. We had a little bonding there. She once told me she loved my aura and energy. She wished to have it in her. I laughed and told her it was all hard work. She'll get there.

I spotted her occasionally trying to ask me something but closes her mouth again. And if I asked her what she was going to say she'd shake her head and smile.

When I heard she wasn't well and the rude jerk won't tell me what's wrong with her, I decided to find out myself but didn't know it was this serious.

Henley huffed. Knowing her, I know this was one of the hardest things for her. She's a total feminist alright but most importantly she hates it when others are being bullied

Finally finding my tongue,

"I can't believe this" I let out a breath I was totally unaware I was holding.

"We are going to deal with him" Henley squealed. One speciality she has, she can shovel out any information you need. That's what her parent use to stomp over most of the politicians. She hated using their informants at first but since I came to her life I had made her do things she always hated. Just to protect me, she went to lengths. So she did it for me when I asked her .

"Where's Althea?" I demanded

" JC hospital" I lurched unto my feet. Tacking an AUD note on the bottom of my drink, I packed up my stuff.

"Let's go now. The bitch might be scheming" I strode to the door but was stopped by Henley before I opened them.

She let go as soon as I spun around. A knowing look in our faces. I gently gave her a squeeze on her shoulder. I slightly stack my shin out, trying to look confident.

"I can handle it honey" I twitch my mouth into a smile.

She nodded, still not convinced.

When we got to the entrance of the hospital. I clutched the side of the door frame trying to steady myself. Anxiety and fear cause through me. Memories deluged me.

I am ok .I will be fine. You got this Wonder woman. I encouraged myself. Took short breathes and stepped inside. Henley clasped her hands into mine tightly and stole glances at me to be sure I was ok.

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