18. Stay

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The pain surge through my whole being. I whirl my foot to straighten whatever was hurting in it's joint and groan in pain. He must've really cut them. It doesn't feel like a sharp pain - it felt like a pull, a sprain. I thought I heard something shatter and someone groan in pain.

"Are you ok Eve?"

That voice sounded familiar. My eyes flung open.

"Hardin?" He crouched in front of me.

"Are you ok?" His eyes searched all of me. I nodded. He sighed relieved.

Looking around, the bulky figure of the scruffy guy rolled on the floor. He was whimpering, holding onto his head. Beside him lay a shattered vase. Hardin must've struck him with it.

"You are safe now. The cops are on the way."

"How you here?"

"I saw you enter and even pressed the door bell a few times. But the lights never came on. Suspected something was wrong."

"How'd you get in? Did you jump off the wall? Through the electricity gauze?" My eyes widen

"No. I called Moli and called Henley and got your passcode."

I sighed, relieve wash over me.

"Get up, we need to go" he held me by the shoulders trying to help me up.

I felt a sudden movement around us. We might've forgotten we got company. It was too late, he was on his feet heading to Hardin's direction, knife still in hand.

"Hardin he's coming at us." I exclaimed. Hardin got up.

Within seconds, he flew the knife towards Hardin's stomach but he side-dodged him. Using his knee to knock off the knife from his hands, he gave him a hard punch in his gut.

Scruffy flinched and staggered back. But he gathered himself quickly and threw in a punch to the direction of Hardin's face, he blocked it with his arm and give him a punch in the face this time around. He was fast too. He punch Hardin's stomach and wanted to deliver another punch to his face when he blocked it again, holding him by his jacket from the shoulders, he knocked him in the tummy with his knee twice. They kept hitting and throwing and blocking. It was an amazement how Hardin was able to handle this bulky figure.

Thank God he knows how to fight..

Sirens proceeded. I could see the terror in scruffy's face as he tried to knock out Hardin and get to the knife.

I pushed against the floor and stood up. Limping, I picked the knife away from him.

I need to open the gate from the inside or it's going to take a while for the cops to break in. To do that, I have to leave Hardin here for a while. Would he be fine? Would he be ok?

"If you don't, he would be worst than ok, both of you will be."

I hurried out limping through the darkness to the one place I know the button was located.

I almost got to it when the door burst open. Policemen rushing to occupy everywhere. Henley was behind them. She rushed to me when she saw me.

After taking a detailed look at me. Without a word she swept me into a very tight embrace. I virtually choked out for breath.

"Am fine really. You shouldn't worry about me."

"Are you stupid? Why didn't you call the cops when you found out the power was cut? Is your stubborn syndrome back already?"

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