12. Who is she?

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Hardin Alexander

I've been tapping on my desk trying to get my focus back from my wandering thoughts. My senses always yielded no matter what's going through my mind. I had drowned my self in alot of work when I came back from the states and found out my dad was ill. I wasn't in my right senses after everything with Aliza.

How am able to still mention that name...

It worked back then too and everytime but it's just isn't working now. I know what was wrong with me and I need answers as soon as possible to be able to focus on anything else. I have this habit of not being able to ignore something once my minds on it.

Harvey doesn't say things he wasn't sure of. Even though he doesn't always do fact checking he has this knack of telling me only things he claim his damn conscience finds convincing. Whatever he told me always turns out true.

I saw it too. I saw a glimpse of that fear, that rage that vulnerability in her eyes when she spoke about her dad. I knew something was wrong but I wasn't sure what I'd seen.

I had asked Martin to look into her and dig up everything he could find, and it's been a week and days already but I haven't heard a thing.

Usually he disguises and do things undercover but it never took him this long.
Who is she? Who is Everly Anderson?

She won't go that far with anyone would she? The innocent vulnerable look in her eyes makes me want to trust her. The way she fands to put up so strong, firm and feist even when she doesn't have it in her. What could such a frail girl actually do. I will admit that, that 'date' made me learn she has a lot of things to hide but it also made me aware murder wasn't one of them is it?


I need some coffee.

"Althea." I called into the Telecom.
There was no response. Where did that witty girl go? She's always so jumpy and get startled on the least things. She's always wearing heavy make ups and wears nothing that shows her neck or arms these days. That's unlike her. Ever since she got married it's been like that.

Hope she hasn't spaced out again.

I walked out of my office to her desk. What I saw drained all the blood in my face.

She lied on the floor unconscious. There was a nose. I quickly dial emergency. I had to learn some shitty things about first aid. Dad had forced me to. I quickly did all I could.

"What's wrong with her?"
I asked the doctor as soon as he came out of her ward.

"She had a mild concussion, she'll be fine but our report here shows she's alot stressed." He went through the pack of papers in his hand and looked at me. "As her boss, are you sure you don't overload her with work?" He gave me the judgemental look.

"No,I don't. But if my words don't count, you are free to conduct any kind of investigation."

"Because of your reputation, I would take you for your word Mr Williams. But there are some scars and marks on her skin that shows she's been through some kind of accident. Do you know anything about it? How she obtained them?"

"Scars and marks?" I was so surprised. That explains why she puts on that kind of cloth these days.

"You have no idea? Then I would have to ask her when she wakes up then"

"Sure please do. Keep me informed on every detail."

"Will do please"

"Sir, Mr Luis is on the line. He said it's urgent business." One of the security men handed me my phone. I forgot they followed me everywhere. He drove me here when the ambulance came to pick Althea.

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