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The others have none stop been banging on Sunoo's door. After the incident that happened between him and Ni-ki. He didn't go out of his room for 3 days now. They didn't know what happened, they just wanted Sunoo to atleast eat something.

They had pure hatred over Ni-ki, leading Sunoo on like that. Their Sunshine was giving them lots of worried thoughts, if only he just told them.

They kept on knocking but what they don't know is that they're knocking on an empty room without Sunoo inside.

3 days ago, when Sunoo rushed back his room, leaving the others so confused. He was sobbing, slamming the door as he closed it behind him. Sunghoon immediately rushed and knocked on his door. Asking what was wrong. No answer, he just heard the weeping Sunoo.

Even after Sunghoon told the others what had happened, waking up the sleepy Jake because of his loud cries. Even Jungwon couldn't get him to come out. They left after an hour. They wanted to give him space.

Sunoo wiped his tears. He stood up when the ring Ni-ki gave him was gone. He looked on his bed, under his bed, and searched every corner on the floor. Maybe it just fell when he cried. He went outside his room, but there was no ring. He knew it could have been lost at that parking lot when Ni-ki gripped his wrist.

"I'll find it.. I'm not stopping until I find it..!" Tears again began to decorate his pale skin with a tint of red because of the crying.

He got a bag, stuffing it with random clothes, uniform, anything that his hand could reach. The necessities that he needed to bring, he brought it with him.

He put the sweater that was customized, hugging himself like he was hugging Ni-ki. Even after the truth he ended up finding. He missed the daily hugs Ni-ki spoiled him to. It was part of his daily life now.

He ran out the door, slowly closing it so the others wouldn't wake up to the sound. He ran straight to the parking lot. It was dim, scary, creepy, eerie... he was scared. He wanted Ni-ki. But he couldn't have him.

Not bothered by how the cold already turned his pale skin to an even whiter shade, he searched the whole parking lot at the early morning. He started at the spot wear he fought with Ni-ki.

"M-maybe it flung somewhere.. I have to find it, I can't lose it." He kept search. Standing to where he was when they fought. The parking lights kept on flickering, when it stopped it shined so bright, Sunoo instantly noticed a bling a few walks from where he was standing.

"It's the ring! I found it.." he started tearing up, he hugged it close to his heart. He doesn't want to lose it again.

He was relieved when he found the ring. Now, he needed a place to crash in first. Not being selfish, but he doesn't want to tell the others. He wants to carry this problem on his own. It would do no good telling them, by now Sunoo knew the others were already mad at Ni-ki. He was too. He was infuriated, angry, and gutted. But he loved the boy, and he thought that Ni-ki might had a moment where he felt him love Sunoo.

He dialed Kei's number.

The sleepy kei answered. "Kei Hyung, can I crash there for a few days?" He said which made kei gain control and was awaken.

"What do you mean?! Did something happen?! Did the house burn?! Did they kick you out?!" Kei kept on rambling. Sunoo giggled softly.

"No, I just need to stay away from the others for a bit." He explained. Kei agreed immediately, it was almost 3 in the morning and Sunoo was still in the dark and cold street. Something bad might happen to him.

When he got to kei's door, he was immediately met by a tight hug. Sunoo cried again.. on kei's shoulder. It reminded him awfully of Ni-ki. The hugs he was given, always reminded him of Ni-ki.

"Go to sleep, you still have classes tomorrow." Kei said, accompanying Sunoo to the guest bed room.

For 1 week, he tried avoiding the others. It was hard to avoid Jungwon. He had to his when ever he sees him, sitting at the very back of the class so he wouldn't be seen. Eating lunch alone. Honestly, school was messed up, though maintaining his grades, he wasn't doing well in physical academics.

He was eating lunch again alone, at the rooftop. He put his lunch onto the  small table and hugged his knees. Thinking about how long it might take for this misery to end. By misery, he means when he will see Ni-ki again. He stood up to admire the view, placing his hand in the stone railings. The breeze swayed his black fluffy hair. He looked down.. his hug, his embrace... I need it.

He closed his eyes, imagining the times where Ni-ki would unexpectedly hug him from behind. His breath that sounded in Sunoo's ear.

"I miss you.." he covered his face.

Curling into a ball, his weak mind couldn't take this. He promised, promised to never let Sunoo experience anything that troubles him. His Sun..

"I can do this. Stop being weak Kim Sunoo!" He slapped himself to stop the tears from falling down.

He felt a hug, multiple arms around him. His friends cried at the sight of their sunshine in vein. The fact that they were doubting themselves for not being able to take care of him.

Kei decided to tell everyone where Sunoo was. Not outing him, he feels like if he didn't, Sunoo wouldn't even think of telling his friends any time.

Jungwon cried, the last time he did was when Sunoo went to the hospital.

"I'm sorry for making you guys worry. I just needed time alone." Sunoo said.

"Even if you need all the time alone, we'll give it to you. But you have to remember that we're also here.. to listen to you." Heeseung spoke.

They hugged the tiny Sunoo, assuring him that they'll be there for him whenever he needs it.

"Thanks guys.." he smiled. Finally, a smile.


Yeorobunnnn yuhhHhHH~ I saw that the Charybdis concept is out. But I can't find the fcking photossssskfnnsbxnsbdjsb.



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