Chapter 51: Pregnancy, Part 4 - Coming to a Head

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"Mother fucking cocksuckers!" Revy exclaimed as she lost another hand.
She was now into the third trimester of her pregnancy, clad in a flowery maternity dress and slippers.
"You fuckers must be cheating!" she shouted at Rock, Dutch, and Benny.
They were at the office, playing a poker game. As usual, Revy wasn't doing so well and was accusing her coworkers and husband of cheating.
"Not our fault your shit at reading people," Dutch retorted. "And have a shitty poker face."
"W-why are you b-being such an a-a-asshole?" Revy asked as she started tearing up.
While her emotions were always volatile, Revy's pregnancy was throwing them into overdrive. While normally an insult would either have her insult someone back or threaten them with her cutlasses, during her pregnancy it was hard to say how she'd react.
     "You're g-gonna be such a s-shitty g-grandpa!" she blurted out.
     "Hey, ya don't have to go there!" Dutch exclaimed.
     While Dutch wasn't so keen on being called grandpa at first, it had grown on him as the months went on. Getting to feel the baby kicked helped too. Rock and Benny just sat there in silence, eyes going back and forth to whomever was talking, it was their only defense. This went on for nearly an hour, insults flying like bullets, till finally both of them broke down and gave each other big hugs.

     Every so often, Rock was given reprieve to spend some time with his fight club buddies. This didn't including an actual sparring, Revy didn't want Rock in any kind of rough shape leading up to the birth of their baby. So the four friends just shared some drinks at the Yellow Flag; although Rock stuck to only a couple drinks in case anything came up.
"So, Scrawny, ya excited to become a daddy?" Filo asked enthusiastically.
"Sure," Rock answered, albeit nervously.
"Nervous, eh?" Filo asked rhetorically.
"Yeah," Rock replied. "A bit."
"Is it cuz your old lady is a bit loco?" Jimmy asked in a deadpan fashion, twirling his index finger by his temple.
"What the fuck, Jimmy!?" exclaimed Rodel, smacking his friend upside the head.
"Shit, man!" exclaimed Jimmy, rubbing the back of his head. "It ain't like we all wasn't thinkin' it!"
"But you don't say it out loud, you fucking idiot!" Rodel retorted.
"It's fine," chuckled Rock. "That's not why I'm nervous. It's all the shit Revy and I are gonna have to worry about. Roanapur isn't exactly the safest place. Add a kid to that mix... I can't help but worry."
"Ya can relax, Scrawny," said Filo, giving him an enthusiastic slap on the back. "Between the two of you, that kid has the best bodyguards anyone could ask for. Plus your coworkers will do all they can to protect the little one."
"Plus, you're buddies with fucking Hotel Moscow and the Triads!" Jimmy exclaimed. "After all the shit you did for them, catching that metal mouthed Dago, bet you could ask em for damn near anything."
"We won't let anything happen to your kid either," Rodel chimed in.

     The encouraging words from his friends did help Rock to relax some. A lot had changed in such a short amount of time. It was only a little over a year ago that he began learning to fight, then shoot a gun, then get shot and end up in a coma. Then his partner became his lover, then wife! He actually reunited with his family, seemed to patch things up with them, even become an uncle. Top it all off, he was becoming a father!
     Even back when he was a salaryman, Rock never figured he'd ever settle down and have his own family. He just figured it wasn't something that was in the cards for him. Life sure had some other, more insane plans for him. As he thought of all this, the bar owner, Boa, snapped him back to reality.
     "Yo, Rock," Boa exclaimed over the crowded bar. "You gotta a call from Dutch!"
     "Oh, thanks Boa," Rock replied, taking the phone. "What's going on Dutch?"
      There was a bit of a pause, as Filo and the others noticed Rock's eyes going wide.
      "Oh shit!" Rock shouted out. "I'll be there as soon as I can!" He slammed the phone down hard on the base.
     "What's goin' on, Scrawny?" Filo asked.
     "Revy's water broke!" Rock exclaimed. "She's in labor! Dutch and Benny are getting her to the hospital! I need to get there now!"

Dutch and Benny made it to the hospital before Rock. Revy wasn't being very cooperative without her husband. She was sitting in a wheelchair, but refusing to go to a room.
"Keep your fucking hands off me!" she shouted. "I ain't goin' anywhere till Rock gets here!"
"Mrs. Okajima, please," the doctor they kept seeing every time they came here spoke. "We need to at least get you in proper hospital attire and a bed."
"Fuck off, Doc!" she exclaimed some more. "This brat ain't popping out of me till his father shows up!"
"It is not wise to delay things," he explained.
"I don't give a shit!" she shouted back.
     Thankfully, Rock ran in just a couple minutes later.
     "Revy, are you ok!?" he exclaimed, embracing his wife.
     "Doin' better, now that you're here, Rocky Baby," she replied in a surprisingly calm manner.
"We really must be getting your wife prepared for delivery, Mr. Okajima," the doctor interrupted.
"The doc here is bein' a real pain in my ass," she grunted.

A/N: I am so sorry it took me this long to get another chapter out! In addition to the chaos of 2020 and 2021, with lots of personal stuff happening, I just hit a creative wall and got burnt out. But I finally have an idea of how to conclude this particular story. Thank you all for your patience! The final chapter is next and will be out soon I promise!

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