Chapter 16: Let My Love Open the Door

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Rock sat silently in his apartment, taking long drags of his cigarette. It had been nearly an hour since Revy had told him the biggest part of her past, and then ran out assuming he still wanted nothing to do with her. He knew if he went after her right away, it would only make things worse. He knew where to find her, and he knew he had to approach in the right way. He took another long drag of his cigarette, finishing it off, allowing the smoke to fill his lungs, before finally blowing the smoke out. He stared off seemingly randomly at a wall in his room, and let out a sigh.
"Better late than never, I guess."

Revy meanwhile had gone to the Yellow Flag, pretty common site to see. The bar wasn't very packed that evening, and she sat in her usual spot. Unusual though was the fact that she wasn't downing her drinks with the usual pace anyone who knew her expected her to. The owner and barkeep, Bao, while usually warry of Revy's rapid drinking, knowing she couldn't pay it all off, was showing some genuine concern.
"You ok, Revy?"
"Fuckin' fantastic, Bao," she replied with no real emotion, before finishing off what was only her second glass of Bacardi.
Bao wasn't usually one to pry, especially with Revy since she would mostly likely blast his head off. But, this was a strange site for him to see.
"Where's your partner? You two are pretty inseparable these days. From what I hear, you two finally started being exclusive."
"Yeah, well..." she began before trailing off, taking a drag of her cigarette. "That ship has sailed. The one good thing in my fucked-up life, and I had to fuck it up by bein' open with him."
"That doesn't sound like Rock," Bao pointed out.
"Trust me," she replied. "No way he'd still want me after what I told him..."
Bao could tell this was where he stopped saying anything, pouring Revy another drink. 
"Guess it was good while it lasted..."

As she took a swig of her drink, someone walked up to the jukebox and put in some coins. She paid no attention to it really, she was pretty much in her own world at this point. But, the particular song that started playing did grab her attention. Let My Love Open the Door (E Cola Mix) by Pete Townsend.

Revy wasn't the biggest fan of cheesy love songs, for obvious reasons, and this was no exception.
"Good fuckin' god," she groaned. "Who put that shit on?"
"I always liked it," Rock said from behind her, giving her a shock.
"Rock?" she asked in disbelief, but not turning around.
Rock grabbed her seat and spun her in his direction. She eyed him and was in total shock.
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
"You don't remember?" he chuckled. "You bought it for me."
He was wearing the Hawaiian shirt she bought him not long after joining the Lagoon Company. He'd said on numerous occasions that it was hideous, and he wasn't wrong. It was primarily pink, with some blue and green patterns about it, and on the back a giant pink hand giving the finger with the words "Fuck you" written in cursive over it. This was the first time he'd ever even tried it on, it had been hanging on the wall in his apartment for years at this point.
"Yeah, I know I fuckin' bought it for you," she replied. "You never stopped going on about how it was fuckin' awful!"
"That's very true," he smiled.
"Then, why now?" she asked, in confusion.
"Because the woman I love bought it for me," he said with a genuine tone and smile.
"The woman you love?" she said, somehow confused by this statement.
Rock grabbed her by the hand and pulled her towards his body.
"That's you, dumbass."

He then started swaying back and forth with her, his arms around her waist. She had simply stood there.
"Not familiar with dancing?"
Revy blushed a little, before putting her arms around Rock's shoulders, he then pressed her a little closer to his body.
"What are you doing here?" she asked timidly.
"Well," he began. "There's this woman that I love more than anything in the entire world." This statement made Revy blush brightly, Rock definitely noticed.
"She's had a really hard life, the kind that doesn't make healing easy. She told me something today, something horrible about her life. She thought I wouldn't want her after telling me. I decided to give her a bit of time to cool down before I let her know that I meant it when I said I would never leave her, no matter the circumstances. Because she saved me from a horrible life of corporate ass kissing and paper pushing. It also helps that she's the sexiest creature alive."
Revy snickered at this final remark. "You are so fuckin' cheesy."
"Yeah," Rock sighed. "I know."
"But, I wouldn't love you if you weren't," she let slip, then immediately tensed up after saying it. "You heard that? Didn't you?"
"What?" he asked coyly. "That you love me? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I don't really want anyone else knowing."

He then kissed her on the top of her head. Revy then began to cry.
"I'm hoping those are happy tears?"
"You fuckin' dumbass," she chuckled. "Of course, they are. I never imagined in my entire life that I'd be feeling these things."
"That mean you're gonna let my love open the door to your heart?" he asked with a cheesy smile.
"Stupid shit," she chuckled. "I already have."
She leaned in to plant a soft, sweet kiss on his mouth. When their lips parted, they were both smiling, giving each other amorous looks.
"You wanna continue this at our place?" Rock asked. "Or get some drinks first?"
"I want my senses to all there for this experience," she said warmly, but still with some passion behind it.
"Sounds good to me," he smiled.

The second Rock locked their door, Revy jumped him, her long legs wrapped around his waist. She nearly broke the buttons off of his shirt, letting it drop to the floor. She once again took in his torso, licked her lips as if about to devour a three-course meal, and began kissing and licking his chest. Rock pulled Revy's hair tie, letting it all flow down, kissing the side of her neck, the noises she made were intoxicating. She lifted her tank top off, exposing her amazing breasts, Rock couldn't control himself as he began kissing, massaging, and sucking on them. They kicked off their shoes and got closer to their bed, undoing each other's pants, shaking them off and out of their way.
Rock then slid Revy's panties off, pausing to fully take in her gorgeous form.
"You're so amazingly beautiful, Revy," he said in quiet awe.
She turned red at this comment, but it didn't take long for them to be back at each other. Rock laid her gently on the bed, got on top of her, kissing her all over, before finally entering into her. Revy let out a cry of absolute pleasure. She never imagined it would feel this good! He started off slow and tender, but they soon began speeding things up, becoming louder and louder as they continued.
"Holy fuck!" Revy cried out. "Don't you fuckin' stop, Rocky Baby!"
He lifted up one of her shapely legs, giving it a quick lick, before going deeper into the woman he loved. As she began to moan loudly, he went in for another passionate kiss.

Revy then turned rock to his back so that she could be on top.
"My turn, stud!"
Her eyes were as intense as if she was in a shootout. She began thrusting and swaying like mad, Rock holding on to her beautiful hips. He joined in on the thrusting, intensifying the pleasure for both.
She couldn't believe how amazing it was. It probably helped that the two loved each other, it was the first time she was having sex with someone she had genuine feelings for. She shook violently as she climaxed for another time, she couldn't even remember how many it was at this point. She could then see that Rock was doing his best not to come yet.
"DO IT!" she screamed. She pressed her lips against his as he released all of himself into her.
She laid on top of him, both panting and sweating with pure joy. Revy loved hearing the sound of Rock's heart beating rapidly, knowing it was because they had shared such intensity with each other.
"We should've done that way fuckin' sooner!" she chuckled.
"Fuckin A!" he replied, also chuckling.

Revy repositioned herself slightly, looking at Rock directly in the face.
"How can you love someone like me, Rock? I know you said you just did... but, I just still can't wrap my head around it."
"I still can't really explain it either, Revy," he answered. "The best I got is that when I think of you, I feel happier than I ever have. You're who I want to see when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Not the most original lines, I know, but there's a reason people say them so often. Huh, guess I could explain it. How can you love me?"
"That's fuckin' easy," she chuckled. "You're the only person who sees me as more than some cold-hearted killer, or some hot piece of ass. I mean, obviously the latter you see me that way to some degree, given what we just did. But, that wasn't just fucking. That was lovemaking."
"So," he began with a devilish grin. "You wanna make love again?"
"What, like right now?" she chuckled, before being surprised by him turning her onto her back.
"I mean, if you don't wanna," he said coyly.
She was in a bit of disbelief, but saw he was clearly ready for another round. "Holy shit! Sweet as can be and an amazing lover! I didn't think I'd get the best of both fuckin' worlds with him!" She looked up at him gave him an equally devilish grin.
"Fuckin A right I do!"

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