Chapter 7: Learning to Shoot

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Rock waited outside Praiyachat's gun shop for Boris (or possibly some other member of Hotel Moscow) to pick him up and hopefully teach him how to fire a gun. He dragged some more on a cigarette and patiently waited. "Gotta say, that went way better than I expected. Not many people around here I'd trust to teach me to shoot. Shit, they'd probably just shoot me in the process, even with knowing I hang out with Revy." His thoughts began to once again think more about his partner.
"Hard to say how she'll feel about these surprises. Best case scenario, she'll punch me in the face. Worse case scenario, she'll punch me in the face...then shoot me..."

As he ruminated on that thought, a nice-looking car pulled up to the side of the shop. The window rolled down to reveal Boris, second-in-command of Hotel Moscow. He was a large man, imposing enough in that regard, but adding to the intimidation was a large facial scar running from the right side of his forehead to his left cheek.
"Privet," he greeted Rock, eyes still facing the windshield of the car.
"Good to see you, Boris," Rock replied enthusiastically. "Should I sit in the back?"
"Probably for the best," Boris answered, matter of fact. Rock slipped into the back and Boris immediately drove off. Rock isn't sure how much time passed, but he decided to give conversation a try.
"So," he began awkwardly. "How have things been going lately?" Boris wasn't one for casual conversation. Still, he figured it would do no harm to engage. "
"Things are...fine...nothing new to report."
"Beats bad news, I suppose," Rock quipped awkwardly. "Da," Boris replied with no real emotion.
"Is it ok if I ask where Miss Balalaika is at the moment?" asked Rock.
"Kapitan is dealing with some standard negotiations," Boris answered. "Nothing she felt that required any extra help."
"I see," Rock simply replied.
"He reached in his pocket for another cigarette, glancing at Boris before lighting it, the stoic Russian gave him an approving nod.

They continued the rest of the drive, in silence, Rock wondered what sort of things Boris thought about. He figured there had to be more going on upstairs than just thoughts of Hotel Moscow operations and helping Balalaika. Not that he had the nerve to ask.

They arrived at the location of Hotel Moscow, which did indeed used to be a hotel. Now though, it was the fortress of Balalaika and her comrades. Like any luxury hotel, it was a large structure, among the tallest buildings in Roanapur. Boris drove them to the barking garage in the back and they got out. Boris motioned Rock to follow him and they made their way to an elevator. He pushed a button, indicating they were heading down.
"I'm surprised you haven't asked why we are at Hotel Moscow," Boris said casually.
"I figured that, given your military background, you and your men like to keep up on fire practice," replied Rock. "But, given your notoriety, I also assumed you would have some kind of indoor shooting range."
"You really are a sharp one," Boris acknowledged.

The doors opened, to reveal a large underground area. On the walls were a cache of guns of varying make and model (mostly Russian, of course). Like any shooting range, there were those devices to bring target sheets back and forth, plus some makeshift sheds for different types of tactics.
"Impressive," Rock said simply.
"Long before hotel was here, and long before Hotel Moscow, this was underground bunker," explained Boris. "Not much was done with it, even when hotel was built here. When Kaptian took it over, and we discovered this bunker, we knew it would be perfect place to shoot without outside interference. Completely soundproof, so nobody outside hotel can hear loud bangs that go on here."
It occurred to Rock that this was the most Boris had ever said to him. Still, he was quite fascinated with this place.
"Is there any particular model you wish to start with?"
"I figured any handgun will do," replied Rock.

Boris motioned Rock to the wall, indicating he could choose which gun he wanted to try out. After glancing over a few models, Rock picked out a TT-30 pistol. Developed in the 1930's as a service pistol for the soviet military. This semiautomatic pistol featured an 8-round detachable magazine, with a 116mm (4.6in) long barrel, designed for easy assembly.
That is a good choice for beginner," Boris said with clear approval in his voice. "Are you wanting to practice with two? Be more like Two Hands?"
It's probably better to start off with just one for now," chuckled Rock. "This is my first time ever firing a gun."
"You've really never done this before?" Boris asked.
"It's only recently that I decided to learn how to defend myself," replied Rock.
"Then I suppose I am a little flattered that you chose me as your teacher, Mr. Okajima," said Boris.
"You could always just call me Rock," he said to Boris. "I mean I'm on a first name basis with you. Of course, I don't know your last name, now that I think about it."
"I suppose that is fair," replied Boris. "Rock is easier to say as well."
Rock figured Boris would reveal his last name to him, but he supposed that was too much to ask of someone like the stoic Russian.
"Follow me."

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