Chapter 18: Just Another Job

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Dutch and Benny were also surprised to see the new guns Rock had bought from Praiyachat. He had even gotten a holster to wear them on the sides, just like his lady love.
"Never thought I'd see this," said Dutch, arching an eyebrow.
"No kidding," agreed Benny.
"Isn't my man the sexiest?" Revy grinned wide, not really expecting her coworkers to answer that question.
"Old Man Praiyachat kicked us out of his shop for making out." Rock blushed brightly, it amused Revy to no end that he could still get nervous talking about intimate stuff. "He's so fuckin' adorable!"
     "My god," sighed Dutch, rubbing his temples. "You're like a couple of fuckin' horny teenagers."
     "What can I say, Rocky Baby gets my engine going," she exclaimed, slapping Rock on the back, chuckling loudly.
     "Ok, enough," Dutch said dryly. "Last thing I need is to throw up my breakfast."
     "Hardy fuckin' har!" Revy exclaimed.

     "So, where are we going?" Rock asked, wanting to change the subject.
     "Same location as last time," answered Dutch.
     "You fuckin' kiddin' me?" asked Revy. "Fry Face want us to get our asses shot at again?"
     "She says the people that ambushed us at the warehouse are still unaware of the island cache," explained Dutch. "Although, that doesn't mean it's necessarily gonna be smooth sailing to and from."
     Revy groaned loudly and rolled her eyes at this remark. "Hey, at least now we got some extra firepower."
     "I'm...not as good as Revy," Rock blushed.
     "Revy laughed and gave him a slight jab in the ribs. "Don't sell yourself short, Rocky Baby! You've improved a whole lot in the past few weeks!"
     "Thanks a lot, Revy," he smiled warmly at her, she smiled back.
     "No fuckin' on my boat," Dutch said, killing the mood.
     "Jesus, Dutchy, you're almost as bad as Boris at killing the mood," exclaimed Revy, glaring daggers at him.
     "Long as it keeps you from fuckin' on my boat," he chuckled. "Let's head out."

The Black Lagoon made an uneventful trip the island cache. While in their bunk, Rock and Revy inspected their guns, making sure everything was in working order. Rock had yet to test his out, but he knew at this point the one thing Revy took seriously was that her weapons were in working order.
     "You already seem to be an expert with those," Revy remarked, impressed with how quickly Rock was adapting.
     "Well, I've seen you work on yours more than enough times," replied Rock. "Plus, Boris taught me some basics, and I've read a bunch of tactical magazines."
     "Guess it's true, Japs are all about being good students," chuckled Revy, Rock joined in.
     Had anyone else made this remark, he may have taken offense. But, he knew Revy was complimenting him, in her own way.
     "I'm glad you finally started learning how to shoot, Rocky Baby." Her tone this time was a bit more serious. "If anything like what happened in that warehouse ever happened again..." She was surprised by Rock embracing her.
     "Revy," he began. "I started learning to shoot for you. I wanted to be able to have your back like you always had mine. And as stated so many times already, I love you and want you to be safe."
     "Fuckin' cheeseball," she chuckled, but she knew he meant what he said, and was grateful for it.
     The two then shared a kiss, making sure not to get too hot and heavy, so as to adhere to Dutch's "No fuckin' on my boat" rules.

     Like last time, they made it to the island without any trouble, stocking the boat was a breeze. "Well, that was too fuckin' easy."
     "Can't ever just look on the bright side, eh Revy?" quipped Dutch.
     "What? You can?" she retorted. Dutch gave a fair enough expression.
     It was never a bad thing to be alert, especially when you lived in a place like Roanapur.
     About an hour back to the docks, Revy's worries turned out to be justified.
     "We got company, Dutch!" Benny shouted over the intercom.
     "Shit!" exclaimed Dutch. "How many, Benny Boy?"
     "Two boats," replied Benny. "Definitely armed. ETA about five minutes!"
     "Copy that," replied Dutch, switching his attention to his other employees. "Revy! Rock! Got two bogies headin' our way! ETA about five minutes! Get yourselves ready!"
     "Roger that, Dutchy!" exclaimed Revy, feeling smug about being right. Still, she wasn't gonna totally complain about a shootout. "You ready, Rocky Baby?" She grinned wide, cocking back the hammers of her cutlasses.
     "Ready," he smiled back, cocking his hammers. She loved the intensity in his eyes!

     They made their way up to the top of the ship, making sure not to be too open to any possible fire. The two boats were now a mere few feet away from the Black Lagoon, and immediately started to open fire.
     "Mother fuckers!" shouted Revy, standing up with her usual, almost supernatural speed and began shooting at one of the enemy boats.
     She definitely managed to hit one of the shooters, but they weren't sure how many were on each boat. When they got closer, a couple guys from each boat leapt onto the Black Lagoon, all carrying machine guns and taking no time opening fire. "Fuck!" Revy and Rock took cover, giving each other looks, they didn't seem to need words to indicate they were going to go in opposite directions to take out their intruders. Rock went left, Revy went right, soon as they heard the enemies having to reload they opened fire.
     "Eat it, you cocksuckers!"
     The intruders were clearly surprised by Rock teaming up with the legendary Two Hands. He had only recently started shooting, and was only involved in the one shootout before, so they hadn't expected it to be a regular occurrence. This seemed to give the two an advantage. Once Rock had taken out his two targets, he took aim at the boat they came off of and managed to hit directly into the helm of the ship. The boat began to lose control, indicating he had hit whoever was steering the boat. He unloaded the rest of his gun on the ship, managing to hit a nearby tank, causing it to go up in flames.
     "Fuckin' A, Rocky Baby!" Revy was incredibly proud of her boyfriend/protégé!
     She had taken out her targets long before, while she hadn't hit the helm of the ship, she did cause some clear damage, making the boat slow down and cease following them.

     The two made their way back into the ship, Dutch was still driving, but had slowed down a little.
     "Good job you two! Didn't know you had that kind of skill, Rock!"
     "I mean, it was just a lucky shot," he chuckled with embarrassment.
     "Don't sell yourself short, Rocky Baby!" Revy exclaimed, giving him an enthusiastic slap on the ass, Rock didn't expect that.
     She then planted a big kiss on him, then grabbed him by his shirt collar.
     "Hey! What did I say about..." Dutch began to say, but then let out a long sigh. "Ah, fuck it!"

     Back in their bunk, the two were going at it, Rock holding Revy up against the wall. Neither had bothered to fully take their pants off.
     "FUCK YES! KEEP GOING! DON'T YOU FUCKIN' STOP!" Revy dug her nails into Rock's neck, screaming wildly.
     Before fully finishing, they fell back onto the bed and locked lips. Once they were done, Revy remained on top of Rock, both were panting like mad.
     "Fuckin' incredible! I really hope that never gets old!"
     "I seriously doubt it will," chuckled Rock.

     When the Lagoon Company had docked at their usual spot, Balalaika, Boris, and some of her other men were there waiting for them, cigar in mouth.
     "Good day, Dutch. I hope things went better this time around."
     "We had an ambush on the way back," he began, lighting a cigarette. "Lucky for us, Revy had some backup from Rock. Didn't have to use any of your weapons this time."
     "Glad to hear," Balalaika chuckled.
     She then brought her attention to Rock, specifically the Hawaiian shirt he was wearing.
     "My, Rock, that's quite a...colorful shirt you have on..."
     ", Revy got it for me," he fumbled to say, blushing bright red.
     "All I had to do was fuck his brains out to get him to wear it," she chuckled loudly, putting her arm around Rock's shoulder.
     Not exactly what happened, Rock thought, but he wasn't going to correct her.
     "How...nice," Balalaika simply said, getting back to the subject of the weapons. "I figured after what happened last time, we'd simply meet you here and my men would transfer the weapons the rest of the way. Good to know things didn't turn out like last time."
     "No shit," remarked Revy, which made the Russian mob boss chuckle.
     "Good work, Dutch," Balalaika continued. "I'll have the money wired to the usual place. You've all earned it." Once the cache was loaded into the Hotel Moscow vehicles, they drove off.
     "So," began Dutch, taking a drag of his cigarette. "Celebratory drinks at the Yellow Flag?"
     "Fuckin' A!" Revy and Rock both exclaimed.

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