Chapter 43: War, Part 7 - Recovering

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Rock and Revy got into the elevator and made their way back to the ground floor of the building. They were both battered, bruised, and had blood splatter; neither really took much notice of it, they just held each other's hands. The rest of the group were still on the ground floor, waiting patiently for them. They'd also been through quite a bit today, but they knew it was nothing compared to Roanapur's deadliest couple. The elevator doors finally opened, both of them were just staring off into the distance.
"Jesus, Scrawny," exclaimed Jimmy, looking them both up and down. "Are you two ok?"
"Doing fine, Jimmy," Rock answered with no tone in his voice. "Just need to get back to Hotel Moscow now."
"Looks more like ya need to visit a hospital," Jimmy commented.
"There are medics at Hotel Moscow," Kazimir answered. "They're wounds are not serious enough for hospital. And we cannot risk more enemy fire."

The drive back was completely silent, but they'd managed to get back to Hotel Moscow without any further shootouts. Everyone inside was surprised to see the state Rock and Revy were in.
"What happened to those two?" Balalaika asked Kazimir.
Kazimir spoke to her in Russian, saying they had a run in with a man called Collins. She immediately understood the situation and ordered the two be taken to the infirmary to get their wounds checked. Once they got there Revy wasn't very cooperative with the medics, plus she wouldn't let go of Rock's hand.
"Keep your fuckin' hands off me!" she barked at one. She was still in an emotional state.
"Revy," Rock said to her as softly as he could, gently rubbing her hand. "They just want to make sure everything is ok."
"They better not make you leave," she replied.
Rock looked at one of the medics and they gave a look that suggested it was fine for him to stay. They both had to take off some articles of clothing to be checked for any open wounds While both winced a little in pain, any cuts they had weren't deep enough to require stitches and there didn't appear to be any signs of internal bleeding. Chang paid the two a visit.

"Looks like you two had quite the outing," quipped Chang, not aware of the situation.
"Suck my dick, Chang," replied Revy, giving him a look he'd never seen her give.
"I beg your pardon, Revy?" Chang asked with clear annoyance in his voice.
"Relax, baby," said Balalaika, sauntering in behind him. "Two Hands just had a major run in with her past."
That phrasing seemed to be enough of a hint to Chang as to what was going on.
"Oh, shit," he said. "I'm really sorry, Revy, I..."
"Don't worry about it, Mr. Chang," Rock interrupted. "I do hope that we can have a little recovery time though."
"We have plenty of men out there, Rock," answered Balalaika. "It shouldn't be any issue for you two to have a couple days to recover, barring any unforeseen turns of course."
Just then, Dutch and Benny also showed up to the infirmary.
"We heard some huge news from Jimmy," said Dutch. "Everything going ok, Rock?"
"Yeah, Dutch, we're doing ok," answered Rock. "Just need to get some rest now."
"Are they ok to leave now?" Balalaika asked one of the medics, who simply gave a nod of approval. "You two get some rest. You've more than earned it."
"Thank you very much, Miss Balalaika," replied Rock with a bow.

They made their way back to their room, Revy still holding Rock's hand tightly. He sat Revy on their bed, taking off her shoes and shorts.
"We should probably take a bath or something," said Rock. "I'll draw one for you."
As we went to walk into the bathroom, Revy grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her.
"No!" she exclaimed with clear panic in her voice. "Don't leave me!"
"I was just going to draw a bath," he reassured her.
"Fuck the bath," she replied. "Just stay here with me right now."
"Sure thing, Revy," he replied reassuringly. The two laid down on the bed, Revy resting her head on Rock's chest.
He could hear her slowly starting to tear up, she was shaking some too. He did his best to comfort her.
"Do you want a cigarette?"
"No," she said quietly. "I don't want anything right now." She then looked up at him, propped herself up, and slowly moved closer to his face. "I just want you."
She then leaned in and kissed him, much to his surprise.
"I'm not sure this is the best thing to do right now, Revy," he pulled away briefly. He saw the tears in her eyes.
"Please, Rock," she said in a quivering tone. "I just wanna feel good right now. I need you. Please... make me feel good."

Rock didn't say anything else, he just started kissing his wife again. It started off tenderly and then got a bit more intense. It wasn't their usual rowdy love making, the two were far too worn out for that, but it was still intense for them. Even with their cuts and bruises, they couldn't help but devour each other in pure extasy. Revy got on top, guiding her husband into her, she shook all over from how good it felt. It didn't take long for her to start gyrating back and forth, with Rock's hands on her hips.
Rock pulled himself up to embrace Revy in a kiss, both fighting over who's tongue would dominate the others mouth. Rock fell forward on top of Revy, they continued to kiss and thrust intensely, with both letting out screams of pleasure. They rolled to their sides, but still embracing one another, and Rock still inside her.
"Still so fuckin' amazing," sighed Revy, panting heavily.
"It hasn't gone down," chuckled Rock. "Think you're up for another round?"
"Fuckin' a right I am!" she exclaimed, and they shared another kiss and went at it again.

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