Chapter 27: Shotgun Wedding, Part 3

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"Fuckin' A!" exclaimed Revy. "Now this is a wedding!"
Once the pleasant wedding ceremony had ended, it was almost immediately interrupted by the sounds of boat engines and gunfire; and they was heading right for the Black Lagoon.
"Michi! Get the guns!"
Revy was now smiling crazily, she didn't care if her new in-laws saw this side of her. Besides, it was going to be necessary for them to survive. Michiko complied and went down into the bunk to retrieve Revy's cutlasses. Turns out Rock had actually kept his concealed inside his coat.
"You are the sexiest mother fucker on the planet!" Revy grabbed Rock again to kiss him.

"NO TIME FOR LOVE, DR. JONES!" Dutch yelled on the loudspeaker as he got the engine running.
Rock and Revy managed to get ahold of something to prevent themselves from falling overboard. They made their way back into the ship, where Michiko had procured Revy's cutlasses.
"What is happening!?" Michiko exclaimed.
"It's either pirates," Rock began to explain. "Or somebody has something against us!"
"Or both!" chuckled Revy as she put her holsters on.
"LAGOON COMPANY!" a voice on a loudspeaker from one of the boats shouted.
"Wait a minute," Rock said. "Kageyama!?"
"Guess he managed to escape capture," Dutch groaned.
"Revy grabbed ahold of the intercom speaker. "EAT SHIT, YOU CORPORATE COCKSUCKER MOTHER FUCKER!"
Dutch facepalmed at this reaction, but at the same time knew it was appropriate.

"You ready for this, Mr. Okajima?" She grinned wide saying that.
"Ready when you are, Mrs. Okajima," exclaimed Rock, also grinning.
They then butted the ends of each other's guns together and shared a quick kiss, then dashed out to the bow of the ship. There were three ships heading their way. The newlyweds took cover, expecting more enemy fire at any second. They looked up to see an enemy ship shooting at them, they'd managed to duck in time. The heard a thumping noise, the distinct sound of someone managing to jump aboard the ship. Rock jumped up quick enough to fire a shot and get the intruder right between the eyes, he ducked back down almost as fast as he had shot.
"I'm so pissed the wedding got interrupted," Revy exclaimed. "But at the same time, so fuckin' turned on by how good a shot you've become!"
She again grabbed Rock for a kiss.
"Revy, not that I'm not enjoying these kisses," Rock interjected. "But, we really need to focus!"
Revy burst out laughing at this remark, but she knew he was right. Sure enough, more people were jumping on board.

"I got an idea!" Rock grinned.
He surprised his new bride by getting her on his shoulders, still managing to crouch. She liked this idea a lot!
"Get ready!"
"He leapt up with her still on his shoulders and the two began firing in multiple directions.
"EAT IT YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!" Revy exclaimed in excitement.
They were hitting every target with easy, even as they spun around. Both were also laughing and smiling with glee. Dutch meanwhile had a look of both shock and awe on his face, seeing them from the helm of the ship. He was impressed at how well the two were working together. Like their last sea battle, Rock managed to hit the helm of one of the ships, again clearly hitting whoever was controlling it as they ship began to swerve, colliding with another, stopping both of them from moving. Rock lifted Revy down from his shoulders.
"That was fuckin' fun, Rocky Baby!"
"Yeah," chuckled Rock. "Wasn't sure I'd be able to pull that off."
"There's plenty you're able to pull off," she winked at him, making him blush brightly.
Revy then shot at the remaining ship and whatever she hit got it to stop moving. She went back into the ship.
"Yo, Dutchy! Turn back, we're gonna finish these cocksuckers off!"
Dutch complied as he took a sharp turn back towards the ships. Revy and Rock flung grenades at the two collided ships, both of which went up in seconds. Some of the men jumped out, but they didn't pay any attention to them. They made their way back to the other ship, which they guessed Kageyama was on. Revy got back onto the speaker system.

As Rock and Revy boarded the enemy ship they took out any enemy combatants with ease. They looked around the ship for Kageyama, when they suddenly got a spray of bullets at them.
"Your dead, Okajima!" Kageyama yelled from a nearby room.
"I see you managed to escape Balalaika!" Rock yelled back. "Guessing you had help!?"
"I hired a whole fucking army to take you and your people out!" Kageyama shouted. "They were tracking me as well as tracking you!"
"Not well enough to keep you from losing a fuckin' hand, dipshit!" Revy yelled back.
"Fuck you!" Kageyama shouted, having completely forgone his calm demeaner.
"That's my wife your insulting!" Rock yelled, he and Revy were easing closer to his room.
"You actually married that crazy bitch!?" Kageyama cackled.
The newlyweds finally made their way into Kageyama's room, both firing at him. Revy managed to blow his other hand off. He screamed something in Japanese that Revy guessed was an expletive. As Rock and Revy walked closer towards him, he slowly backed away till he was stuck in a corner.
"You know," Rock began calmly, as he checked the magazine of his cutlass. "It didn't have to be this way. I didn't even have interest in getting revenge on you for what you did all those years ago. Turned out well for me in fact. But, then you decided to threaten the woman I love, my parents, and my coworkers. I let you go last time."
Rock's eyes then went to a darker side, bringing fear to Kageyama's face.
"That's not happening this time."
Kageyama let out one final scream before Rock and Revy blew him away with their remaining ammo.

As they walked about onto the Bow of the ship, they saw Dutch taking out any remaining enemies still trying to attack them. Rock took out a couple cigarettes, put one his mouth, put the other in Revy's mouth, lit his, and lit hers with his, smiling wide as it reminded them both of the time he prevented her from shooting him. The both took long drags at once and blew out large puffs of smoke.
"That was almost better than fucking!" Revy exclaimed, making Rock blush. "But, don't think that's not gonna be on the table after this!"
She grabbed him by the back of the neck and began kissing him furiously.
"Would you two cut that shit out!" Dutch exclaimed. "We gotta get the fuck back to port! And I stand by my rule of no fucking on my boat!"
Revy and Rock both laughed uncontrollably as they made their way back onto the ship. Revy grabbed another grenade and tossed it at the last ship as the Black Lagoon drove off.

Rock found his parents in the bunk of the ship, the two were a bit nervous with the events that had just transpired.
"I take it things turned out well?" Akira asked nervously.
"Yeah," Rock replied. "Should be smooth sailing back to Roanapur."
"Is this... common?" asked Michiko.
"Well," Rock chuckled. "It does happen more than I'd like it to."
"Doesn't always end so quickly thought," Revy interjected. "Rocky Baby here made the job a lot easier!"
"I guess, I am just glad you're safe," Michiko said. "The day was memorable enough, but now, even more so."
Michiko got up and gave Revy a warm hug. 
"I'm glad to now be able to properly welcome you into our family, Revy-chan. I hope you won't mind calling me Mother."
Revy began tearing up a little, reciprocating the hug.
"Sure... Mother."
Akira then joined in on the hug.
"And I'm proud to be your new Father."
This put Revy over the edge as she began crying more freely with joy. Rock decided to join in as well, now all four were embracing each other. It would definitely be the most memorable wedding they'd ever been part of.

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