Chapter 14: More Shooting Lessons

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With Rock still recovering, Dutch was giving him some time off till he was fully healed. With recent events, they had a decent amount of money from their last job, so business money wasn't a big issue. Dutch and Benny took some simple jobs, while Rock and Revy went to Hotel Moscow when Boris was free to keep giving Rock lessons. Even if he wasn't there, he'd given them the ok to practice there. Rock was increasingly improving with his shooting, even being able to fire while holding with one hand. Revy was very much impressed with her boyfriend's newfound skills.

"Damn, Rocky Baby!" she exclaimed, looking him over. "Gotta say, you holding that gun is really fuckin' sexy!" She didn't seem to care that Boris was present.
"Thanks, Revy," he chuckled, turning red. "You and Boris are really good teachers."
"I think it's time you learn to handle two guns at once," Revy smiled seductively.
"Um, sure," fumbled Rock, blushing brightly. "Sounds like a good idea."

Revy grabbed Rock's left arm, slowly and seductively placing another gun in his hand.
"Looks like a good fit to me."
Revy was quite frustrated at this point, only really being able to make out, but no other horizontal activities. Not that Revy could totally complain, Rock was a way better kisser than she expected, she could only imagine how well he'd perform once he was back in tip top shape. Rock wasn't feeling much better about the situation, he'd thought of being with Revy pretty early on in knowing her.

"Please allow him to fire without you holding on to him," Boris interrupted, as if spraying them with an invisible hose. "It's not the safest method."
"Way to kill the mood, Russkie!" scoffed Revy, taking her arms off Rock.
"Gun safety shouldn't be taken lightly," he said in his typical matter of fact way.
"What-fuckin'-ever," sighed. "Go on, Rocky Baby, fire away!"
Rock held up both guns at once, making sure they were as level as possible. At this point in his training, he had alternated between hands in order to get used shooting with either, but this was his first time attempting to fire two guns at once. He took a deep breath as usual and began to pull both triggers. While it certainly wasn't the worst shooting, he clearly wasn't used to firing two guns at once. Unlike with one gun, he'd only managed to hit with half the accuracy. Still, he kept firing till both guns were empty.

"Eh, not bad," Revy responded.
"Yeah, not exactly used to two guns at once," Rock said with mild embarrassment. Revy then grabbed him by his shirt collar and gave him a kiss.
"Don't worry about it," she said, smiling affectionately. "Nobody's perfect on their first try." Rock chuckled with enthusiasm, turning bright red.
"He would be improving faster if you didn't stop every few minutes to make kissy face," interrupted Boris.
Revy grunted and rolled her eyes at the large Ivan.
"Comrade Cockblocker! But, fair point, keep on firing!" Rock did as he was told, each time round showing improvement. Revy stood back and watched, beaming with pride.

"Proud of partner, Two Hands?" Boris asked with a slight smile.
"Fuckin' A right I am, Comrade!" she exclaimed with a large grin. "Really gets my engine going, seeing him fire off those rounds."
"That is...nice," Boris replied, Revy was certain she saw him blush.
"Don't you ever go out for some action?" she asked with no subtlety.
"I have more important things to worry about," he slightly gulped.
"You'd probably rather be pluckin' Fry Face's strings, am I right?" she said with an evil grin and slight chuckle.
"I think that's enough shooting for today," Boris blurted out.
"Oh, um, ok," Rock complied, not having heard the back and forth going on between his teacher and girlfriend; Revy held her sides laughing.
"What's so funny?" asked Rock.
Revy eyed Boris, he was showing a clear look of embarrassment.
"Eh, it's nothin'." She gave a wink to Boris, he appreciated her not saying what her laughter was about.
"Let us go get some food," said Boris.
"Sounds like a fuckin' plan!" exclaimed Revy.

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