Chapter: 17: Surprise!

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"MOTHER FUCKER!" Revy cried out in ecstasy, her and Rock going for their third round! She was on top, bucking and weaving like a mad person possessed. She leaned down to kiss the man she loved, Rock grabbing her face and they explored each other's mouths. He then gave her a devilish look, grabbed her hips, and spun her around while he as still inside her. She gasped with amazement at his assertiveness.
"HOLY SHIT!" She continued to gyrate as Rock placed his hands fully on her incredible ass.
She bent over farther and farther, increasing the pleasure for both. After a bit, Rock took things even further, lifted her, and positioned her on all fours on the mattress. She couldn't believe how amazing it was! They two finished, she fell backwards on top of him, his arms holding her tightly around her waist.
     "Good fuckin' god, Rocky Baby! I didn't know you had it in you!"
Rock chuckled a bit while breathing heavily.
     "Yeah... never done that before..."
     This comment shocked Revy, she could tell he wasn't bullshitting her.
     "Holy shit! Do I really turn him on that much!?"
     "Guess, you bring out the best in me, Revy. Still...don't think I could do it that many times very often!"
     Revy then burst out laughing.
     "Jesus Christ, I hope not! I don't think I could survive!" The two laughed together, continuing to hold onto each other. "Fuck... we should probably get some sleep now..."
     "Yeah..." sighed Rock. "Guess so."
     He pulled the sheet over both of them gave Revy a light kiss on the cheek, and the two drifted off.

     Not long after the sun rose, Rock received a couple phone calls. The first was from Mr. Praiyachat, letting him know his order was ready. About an hour later, he got a call from Dutch, they had a job. He let out a large sigh, tapping the still sleeping Revy on the shoulder.
     "Hate to be the bad guy, but Dutch has a job for us."
     Revy's eyes moved rapidly under her closed lids, grumbling loudly. "Fuuuuuuck! Fine!"
     "We better shower first," chuckled Rock. "We've worked up quite a sweat!"
     Revy snickered at this remark, but he was definitely not wrong!
     "Your shower big enough for two?" She grinned devilishly.
     "I'm sure we can make it work," he smiled big.

     While they didn't have shower sex, they were still way too worn out from their three rounds. Still, they did do some heavy making out while soaping each other up to get nice and clean. While drying off, Rock cooked some quick breakfast for the two of them.
      "Sex and breakfast," Revy exclaimed. "God damn, I won the fuckin' lottery!"
     Rock chuckled and blushed at this remark, she liked that he could still get embarrassed by her fawning over him. That was the Rock she fell for, demon in the sack, but still incredibly sweet. Rock found a couple cigarettes for them to have along with their breakfast. They finally got dressed, Rock even put his Hawaiian shirt back on, and made their way to the office.

     Dutch and Benny were of course already there. Dutch was drinking coffee and watching tv, and Benny was on his laptop typing away.
     "Mornin' boys!" Revy exclaimed with glee. "Hope you both and pleasant sleeps."
      The two eyed her, both arching an eyebrow. They then saw that Rock was wearing that Hawaiian shirt she bought him years ago; this site made their mouths drop slightly.
     "What the fuck is with you two?" Revy asked.
     "Rock's wearing the shirt," Benny finally spoke. "He's actually wearing that fucking shirt."
     "Yeah?" Revy replied. "What fuckin' of it?"
     "Guessin' you two had some fun last night," Dutch smirked as he took a sip of his coffee. "And I just won two more bets."
     After saying this he grinned wide, Benny smacked himself in the forehead.
     "You dipshits have nothin' better to do than fuckin' bet mine and Rocky Baby's personal lives?" she asked between her gritted teeth. Rock was just blushing brightly.
     "Sure," replied Dutch with a smirk. "But they're not as fun as seeing your reactions."
     Revy rolled her eyes, then walked over to the couch and plopped down, Rock joined her, putting his arm around her.
     "So, what's the fuckin' job, Dutchy?"she asked while lighting up a cigarette.
     "Another weapons run for Hotel Moscow," Dutch replied calmly.
     "Christ sake!" exclaimed Revy. "Fry Face want us fuckin' dead!?"
     "She guaranteed things won't go fucked like last time," Dutch assured her.
     "Yeah, that makes me feel a whole lot fuckin' better," she scoffed.
     "Well, she's gonna pay 120 grand for this job, to make up for the trouble last time," Dutch answered.
     "Should've fuckin' started off with that shit," Revy pointed out. "How long we got?"
     "Gotta head out in a few hours," answered Dutch.
     "Great!" exclaimed Rock. "I got and order to pick up at Mr. Praiyachat's."
     "Excuse me?" Revy asked.
     "The first day I took shooting lessons with Boris, I first went to Mr. Praiyachat's for a special order," Rock explained.
     "What did you get?" Revy asked arching an eyebrow.
     "You'll see," he grinned.

     The two arrived at Praiyachat's gun shop, the elderly gunsmith surprised to see Revy with his newest customer.
     "Rock? Why you bring Two Hands with you? She might blow your brains out when she sees what you did?"
     "The fuck is he babbling about, Rocky Baby?" Revy asked and snickered. "You really think I'd shoot the guy I love, old man?"
     This remark caused Praiyachat to inhale his cigarette and cough loudly. Revy couldn't help but laugh her ass off.
     "You..." he struggled to say between coughs." You...actually...*COUGH*...started dating...*COUGH*...this crazy bitch!?"
     And this remark caused Revy to grab Praiyachat by his tank top, lifting the little man off his feed.
     "Listen to me, you old cocksucker!" she began. "The only reason I ain't painting the walls of this here shop with yer fuckin' brains, is cuz you're the only piece of shit I trust to work on my cutlasses! But if ya keep talkin' to me like I'm some common fuckin' whore, I'll twist your wrinkled ol' sack off with my bare fuckin' hands and cram them so far down your throat you'll be shittin' em out with what's left of your fuckin' teeth! Do I make myself fuckin' clear!?"
     Praiyachat nodded slowly, Revy dropped him on his ass.
     "Good! Now bring out my man's order!"
     The old man scampered into the back. Revy pulled out a cigarette, lit up and took a long drag.
     "Fuckin' asshole! I may be a killer, but I'm still a fuckin' lady."
     Rock then wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, causing her to blush brightly. "Cut that shit out!" she chuckled.

     Praiyachat came out holding a metal box.
     "Lucky for you, I have plenty of experience with these. Took a lot sooner than most orders."
     He placed the box on the counter, flicked the clasps up, turned it around and lifted the lid. Revy was indeed surprised! What she saw was a pair of modified Beretta 92FS's, stainless steel, elongated barrels, engraved with "9mm Sword Cutlass" on both sides, as well as the Jolly Roger of the infamous pirate Calico Jack (which is also inlaid into the ivory grips), and a manufacture inscription in Thai just like hers. But, where hers were primarily silver, these were gunmetal black.
     "R-Rocky, Baby," she fumbled, blushing brightly.
      "I figured if I was gonna get any better, you'd have an easier time teaching me with the same model," he smiled and blushed as well. "I hope you don't mind."
      Revy grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in for a long kiss.
     "This is the one of the sweetest thing anyone's ever done," she said in a soft tone, eyes full of love. They began kissing a bit more furiously.
     "Hey! Hey!" exclaimed Praiyachat. "This is not love hotel! No fucking in my store! Take your guns and get the fuck out!"

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