Chapter 15: Confessions of the Past

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The next week and a half were going well for Rock and Revy. They'd get in some firing at Hotel Moscow's shooting range, they'd have some celebratory drinks, have some heavy make out sessions, that also including some oral foreplay. Finally, the day came where Rock would finally be getting the last of his stitches removed.
"You have healed very nicely," the doctor commented.
"And now he's got some sexy ass scars," Revy grinned deviously, making Rock blush.
"Yes, long as it's not in this hospital," the doctor fumbled to say. "Just try to avoid a major trip here again. Have a nice day." As he left, Rock and Revy laughed uncontrollably.
"Guess he's not used to patients being so horny," chuckled Revy.
"Doubt it comes up too often," Rock replied, turning red while getting his shirt back on.
Revy pulled him close to her face by his shirt collar, kissed him, then gave him an amorous smile.
"Let's go home. Then we'll go out for some drinks." Rock just chuckled in excitement.

Back at the apartment, the happy couple were lying on the bed, kissing passionately, and rubbing their hands all over each other. It looked as though things were going exactly where they'd been hoping for quite some time. But, suddenly, much to Revy's chagrin, a familiar voice crept into her head.
"You worthless fuckin' whore! You really think he's gonna stay with you! You're used up!"
Revy became frustrated, this didn't get past Rock.
"Shut up! I'm not letting you fuckin' ruin this for me!"
But, the voice continued to taunt her.
"You're the only one ruining things! You're a used-up piece of shit!"
Revy broke away from Rock, screaming out loud. "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
She got up from the bed, while trashing about, smacking the sides of her head.
"REVY!" Rock exclaimed. "What's wrong!?"
"Stupid fuckin' whore!" she started screaming. "Used up piece of shit!"

Rock grabbed her in his arms, trying to calm her down.
"Revy! Please, calm down! What's going on!?" She finally stopped thrashing, but then began to break down crying. Rock sat them both on the couch. "What happened?"
"He got into my head again," she replied, her speech slightly muffled from digging her head into Rock's shirt.
"Who?" he asked, not fully understanding.
"My old man," she finally said.
"You mean your father?" Rock asked, not super familiar with the slang "old man" for father.
"Yeah," she replied. "The fuckin' piece of shit that made me who I am today. I didn't think I'd be tellin' you this shit so soon."
"Revy," began Rock. "You don't have to..."

"Might as well get it out of the fuckin' way now," she interrupted, she grabbed a cigarette, lit up, and took out a long drag.
"My old man was the first person I ever killed." Rock's eyes went wide with shock.
"My mother died when I was, I don't know, two or three years old. The old man blamed me for that, because by that point he was a piece of shit drunk. But, there wasn't anything I could do. You see, before he became a drunk asshole, he was a god damned hero cop!"
Rock just sat there in total silence.
"Had the respect of every fuckin' pig in his precinct! But once he got married and had me, his glory days were long behind him. Surprisingly, it was sickness that took my mom, but I wouldn't be surprised if he'd have fucked her up some before. "
"So, once she was out of the picture, the beatings began; pretty much any chance he got. That's when I learned how to shoot, but I only had his service revolver to work with. He wasn't too happy about that. One day, I tied running away, only to get arrested by one of his fuckin' colleagues. Then, while I was in holding, the fucker decided to have some fun."

Rock was starting to feel sick, he hadn't expected her to tell him so much at once. Revy noticed his discomfort, but she knew she had to keep going.
"You can probably guess that my old man didn't give a shit that his daughter was raped by one of his fellow pigs. He blamed me for it all, called me a worthless whore, a used-up piece of shit. Then he smacked me upside the head with the butt of his gun, the same fuckin' gun I learned to shoot with."
"I'm not sure how long I was passed out for, but when I came to, he was passed out drunk, splayed on his shitty mattress. In that moment, I knew I had no other chances. If I stayed with him any longer, I would be dead soon. So, I grabbed his revolver, placed a pillow over his head, pinned his arms down with my knees and slammed the gun right into his face. He screamed out some muffled grunts that I couldn't make out before I told him to rot in Hell, and I blew his fuckin' brains away..."

The only noise present at this point, was outside activity of the lawless city. Revy took another drag of her cigarette, finishing it off.
"After that, I was homeless for nearly a year. Eventually, I found a ship to Roanapur. Chang caught me trying to steal something from him. But, instead of blowing my brains out, he actually took some pity on me and taught me how to shoot even better than before. But I didn't wanna be a permanent fuckin' gangster, and Chang seemed ok with that."
"Eventually, I met Dutch, who'd had his shipping company for a few years now. Took a few days, but I eventually convinced him I'd be a valuable employee. And that pretty much brings us up to fuckin' speed..."

"Revy..." Rock began but wasn't really sure what to say to her. This was more than he had expected to hear from her, all at once anyway. He knew her life was hard, he figured there was abuse, and he definitely knew there were mental scars that went deeper than any physical scar.
"You don't gotta say anything, Rocky Baby," she interrupted him. "I knew I'd have to tell you all this shit eventually. I'm glad we got to have some fun first."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"As if you're gonna fuckin' stick with me after that!" she exclaimed, getting up from the couch, putting on her puts and guns holsters. "You're not that fuckin' crazy!"
"Revy..." he tried to speak but she cut him off.
"Don't try to say you understand! Or that you're fuckin' sorry! I know you're sorry! Of course, you're fuckin' sorry! You're too good a person not to be! But don't try to tell me you still fuckin' love me after I just told you that horror story!"

Rock didn't say anything back, he couldn't think of anything to say back to her. Revy just held back some tears and stormed out. He knew where she was going, but he figured he'd give her a little bit of time before going after her.

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