Chapter 35: Honeymoon in Tokyo, Part 6 - Special Delivery!

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The following week in Tokyo was fairly standard for Rock and Revy. Days were spent either seeing the sites, hanging out with Rock's family, or going to a love hotel for a few rounds of honeymoon bliss. Then they got a surprise! At the Okajima household, Michiko had received a call from Toshiro that his wife, Sakura, was in labor! They all rushed to the hospital to await the newest addition to the Okajima family. Half an hour into waiting, and Revy was already getting impatient.
"How long does this shit usually take?" she asked aggravated, tapping her foot rapidly.
She wasn't allowed to have a cigarette while in the hospital, so she was starting to have a nicotine craving.
"Never been to a childbirth before, Revy-chan?" asked Michiko.
"The women I know back in Roanpur ain't poppin' out kids anytime soon, Michi," she answered with a blank look on her face.
Rock considered the women he knew in Roanapur besides Revy, thought of any of them having kids, and then felt a shiver run up his spine.
"I see," Michiko replied, deciding not to ask any further details.
Everyone remained in silence, though Revy continued to fidget from impatience and lack of nicotine.
"Come on, Revy," said Rock, standing up from his seat. "Let's go outside for a smoke break."
"That ok?" Revy asked, looking over at Michiko.
"It is fine, Revy," Michiko answered. "If anything changes we will come get you."
As Revy got up to go outside for a smoke, Rock grabbed her hand. Under normal circumstances she wouldn't enjoy hand holding, but since they were far away from anyone who knew of her reputation she was willing to make an exception.

Outside, in a designated smoking area, Revy let out a huge puff of smoke, relieving some of her tension.
"Now that's what I'm fuckin' talkin' about!" she exclaimed, taking another deep intake of smoke into her lungs.
"Does feel good," agreed Rock, as he took another puff.
"Ya ever been in the waiting area for one of these things?" she casually asked.
"Nope," he answered. "I don't have any cousins, pretty small family. At my old office job, we did have baby showers for pregnant coworkers."
"What kinda gifts do ya give?" she asked.
"Varies from person to person, really," he answered after blowing out some smoke. "Some give baby clothes, bottles, pacifiers, some just give cash."
"You ever give a gift to one of the knocked up coworkers?" she asked.
"Nothing fancy," he answered. "If they had a registry, I'd just pick something cheap, like a pack of pacifiers. I wasn't really close to anyone at work."
"Think your bro and his wife will have anymore?" she asked.
"If they do, it'll most likely just be one more," he answered. "Most people here stick to two kids tops for financial and space reasons."
"Gotta imagine one little brat alone is a giant pain in the ass," Revy groaned as her cigarette dangled from her mouth.

There was a long pause before Revy decided to say something.
"You think I'd make a good mom?" She didn't see Rock's pause or gulp as a positive sign.
"You would certainly interesting mother," he finally managed to say.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" she asked with an annoyed look. "Those kids playin' with toy guns that one time seemed to enjoy my company."
"Probably helps that they were older," he quipped back. "Babies start off way less mobile and unable do pretty much anything for themselves."
"So ya don't think I could do it, do ya?" she asked with a bit more anger in her voice.
"I think you can do anything you set your mind to," Rock answered. "They say dealing with other's kids is a pain, dealing with your own though is a bit easier."
"You just tryin' to save your ass?" she said with a slight snicker.
Rock then surprised her with a kiss on the cheek, then looked her straight in the eyes.
"I meant what I said," he answered. "I think you have the capacity to be a good mother. You know what it's like growing up without love, so you'd make sure that baby is given all the love it can get." Revy began blushing brightly, nearly the shade of a beet.
"Cut that shit out!" she exclaimed annoyingly, taking a long drag of her cigarette, this gave Rock a slight chuckle. He knew how to push her buttons, and she hated and loved that about him at the same time.
Michiko showed up to Rock and Revy's smoking spot. Both looked at her, wondering if she was there to tell them that the big even finally occurred. She gave them both a very pleased smile.
"Akira and I are now grandparents," she finally said, her smile growing and tears began appearing.
Rock and Revy stood there for a moment, eyes wide. Sure, they knew that's what they were there for, but it somehow felt more unreal than they imagined.

They followed Michiko to the viewing area where the nurses were cleaning the newborn baby. Akira was standing there watching the whole time. Michiko pointed her out to Rock and Revy, both stared in awe at this tiny little person who just came into this world. She had nearly a full head a black hair and was very wrinkly, Revy thought she kinda looked like a tiny old person. She was crying a little as the nurses and doctor made sure everything was alright with her, but she wasn't being too loud.  
     "They have named her Hima." Michiko grabbed Akira's hand as they both looked on, Revy followed her move and grabbed Rock's hand.
     The time came where they were able to go to Sakura's room, where Toshiro already was, and wait for baby Hima to be brought in. She was immediately given to Sakura, who was filling up with tears of joy. Revy couldn't understand what she was saying to the newborn, but she figured it was greeting her into the world and saying she was it's mother. Sakura handed the baby to Toshiro, who was also tearing up and greeting his newborn daughter in Japanese. He then let Michiko and Akira hold her, Rock telling Revy that they were introducing themselves to the baby as their grandparents. Michiko then handed the baby to Rock, who was a bit surprised, having never held a baby before. Still, he was happy to be holding his new niece.
     "Hello, Hima," he greeted her, also in Japanese. "I am your uncle Rokuro. Although, you can also call me Rock if you like." He then looked over at his wife. "This is your aunt Revy."
     Revy couldn't understand what Rock was saying of course, but since he was looking at her it was clear he was telling the baby about her.
     "She's a little rough around the edges, but she whenever she's around you're guaranteed to have a lot of fun." He then started handing Hima off to Revy.
     "Ya sure this is a good idea, Rock?" she asked with a lot of reluctance in her voice and face. "I don't even speak Japanese."
     "Don't worry about that," Rock chuckled as the baby was fully in Revy's arms. "She can't really understand what we're saying. But, she'll understand the intent in your voice." He then gave his wife a warm smile, one that assured her it would be ok.
     Revy let out a long sigh and then looked at this new person brought into the world. She thought that, since she was married to Rock, this made the baby her niece too. Revy didn't think that would ever be an option in her life. Then again, there were so many things she wasn't expecting to ever happen in her life.
     "Hey there, kid... I'm, uh, I'm your aunt Revy. Rock and I don't live in Japan, so... we won't always be around to see ya grow up. But, we'll visit as much as we can... I can't promise I'll always be super fun to be around, but when I am around, I won't let anyone hurt you."
     The baby then made some cooing noises, which made Revy blush. She hated to admit it, but this little thing was cute. She handed her back over to Sakura and Rock put his arm around her.
     "So, how does feel becoming an aunt?" he asked warmly.
     "It feels like I won't be satisfied till I have one of my own," she answered in a hushed tone, still staring at the baby.
     "Did you just say what I think you just said?" he asked with a gulp.
     Revy grabbed Rock's face and looked at him right in the eyes with great intensity.
     "Let's have ourselves our own little brat."
     The two smiled lovingly at each other and shared a kiss, taking no notice at anyone else in the room.

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