Chapter 30: Honeymoon in Tokyo, Part 1 - Flight

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     In the morning, Rock and Revy got themselves ready for their trip to Tokyo with Rock's parents. The plan was to be there for a couple weeks, since Rock hadn't seen them in a while, plus it wouldn't be long before his older brother's baby was born. They packed as many clothes as they needed for the trip. Dutch acquired lock boxes for their cutlasses, so they'd be able to take them along. 
     For the plane ride, Revy put on a pair of black spandex shorts that nearly went to her knees, along with a red skirt similar to the one she wore on the last trip to Japan, topped off with a black tank top that covered her midriff, and a white, short sleeved blouse over that. She of course still went with her combat boots for footwear. Rock went with his usual slacks and white shirt but skipped wearing a tie.
     "Why aren't you wearing the shirt I got ya?" Revy asked with a bit of an annoyed look.
     "I don't want to wrinkle in on the plane," he blushed, then showing he was indeed packing it along with the rest of his luggage.
     "You're lucky I love you," she arched an eyebrow. Rock then kissed Revy on the cheek, making her blush. "Cut that shit out!"

     The drive to the airport was a little cramped, since Rock's parents were also in the car. Revy refused to sit in between Dutch and Benny in the front seat, nor would she let Rock sit up there without her. Once at the airport, Dutch and Benny helped out with the luggage as everyone made their way to the terminal.
     "Hope you two have a good time," smiled Dutch. "Especially compared to last time." He chuckled at his own remark.
     "God don't fuckin' remind me," groaned Revy. "I'm actually hoping it's just a regular honeymoon. I got enough action on our wedding day."
     "I'm assuming night too," quipped Benny.
     "Fuck off!" exclaimed Revy, flipping him the bird. Benny just laughed as he continued getting the luggage out of the car. Once it was all unloaded Benny and Dutch prepared to head off.
     "Thanks for everything you guys," Rock said, giving a warm smile and shaking Dutch's hand.
     "No problem," Dutch shook back. "God knows I could use a little peace and quiet myself. Don't get too noisy at your folks." The Black Lagoon captain gave a sly grin, Rock blushed brightly. Revy came up to Dutch next to say goodbye. "Good luck meeting the rest of the family, Rev."
     "Heh, thanks," Revy snickered. "I'm gonna need it!" When she was sure nobody was looking, she surprised Dutch with a hug. He was caught of guard for a moment but reciprocated quickly. "Thanks for everything, Dutchy. Not just the wedding shit, but takin' me in and puttin' up with my stupid ass all these years. You're.... you're probably the closest thing I have to a father..."
     Dutch definitely didn't expect her to say that! "No problem, Rev," he replied. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather have for a daughter than you."
     They embraced a little longer before Revy finally pulled away. "Tell anyone about this and you're fuckin' dead!" she exclaimed with a threatening look. But Dutch could also see she had meant what she said. It amazed him how much Rock had managed soften some of her edges. "No worries, Revy," he chuckled, going along with her "threat."

     The flight to Tokyo was uneventful, with everything that had happened recently everyone in the Okajima party decided to sleep as much as they could on the over four hour flight. An announcement came over the intercom that they'd be landing soon.
     "Bout fuckin' time!" Revy exclaimed with a long groan. "I fuckin' hate flying." She looked over to see Rock still sleeping, his head resting on her shoulder, she blushed brightly. "But I guess it's not all bad."
     She smiled lightly and rested her head slightly on her new husband's head. Husband! She still couldn't believe it! This man sleeping next to her was now her husband!
     Someway, somehow, in this crazy fucked up world, she'd managed to find a man to put up with her shit! Rock didn't ask Revy to change who she was, he was patient with her, never pressuring her to do anything.
     "What the fuck is wrong with him!? He's a smart guy! He's funny. Not bad looking. And amazing in bed! Why the fuck is he with me!? I keep asking myself this over and over! It doesn't make any sense! But, here we are. I mean, shit, I'm the one that asked him to get hitched! And his parents! Goddamn saints! They just take me as I am too! The fuck is wrong with this family!?"

     As she continued to think, Rock began to stir awake.
     "Hey, Rev," he smiled at her. "Have a good sleep?" She blushed a little, smiled back, and gave him a kiss. "What was that for?" he asked confused. "Not that I'm complaining."
     She chuckled and punched him affectionately on the arm. "For being you, dumbass!" she exclaimed with a big grin.
     They both shared a chuckle, then Rock noticed the plane was finally beginning to land.
     "I'm sure you're happy to be landing," Rock said casually. "I know you don't like flying much."
     Revy then rested her head on Rock's shoulder and smiled . "Eh, it's not all bad."

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