Chapter 6: Special Requests

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     Rock woke up early, wanting to get plenty done before the day was over. Dutch had informed him the night before that there weren't any jobs today, but he'd get ahold of him should that change. He figured Revy wouldn't mind getting a chance to sleep in, so he didn't bother waking her up. He got dressed in his usual attire, also grabbing a backpack with something in it. Before heading out into Roanapur, he made a quick stop by the Lagoon Company office. Dutch was already there, drinking a cup of coffee and watching some tv, Benny had his nose planted in a computer manual.
Mornin' Rock," Dutch said casually, not turning his attention away from the tv.
"Morning Dutch," greeted Rock. "Morning Benny."
"Yup," Benny nonchalantly replied, face still firmly planted in his manual.
"Dutch then noticed Rock was alone. "Where's Revy?"
"Oh, I figured she'd like getting to sleep in," answered Rock. "Since we don't have any jobs today."
There was a slight pause, then Dutch took a sip of his coffee. "I see. Fair enough, I spose. You got any plans for the day?"
"Just gonna walk around town," replied Rock. "Run some errands, nothing special."
"Ok then," Dutch simply replied. "Well, I'll call you if anything comes up."
"Right, see you later," Rock enthusiastically replied, then headed out the door.
"You do know that Revy is gonna be pissed he didn't wake her, right?" Benny said to Dutch, still looking at his manual.
"Mmhm," Dutch simply replied, still watching tv.
"And she's most likely gonna take it out on us if she can't find him?" Benny rhetorically asked.
"That's a safe bet," Dutch replied.
"And I was hoping for a quiet day," groaned Benny.
Mhmm," Dutch agreed.

     As Rock walked along the streets of Roanapur, he pulled out a cigarette, lit up and took a long drag. While blowing out the smoke from his lungs, he was beginning to think Filo was right about the frequent brawling being therapeutic. This was the most relaxed he had felt in...he honestly couldn't recall.
"Who would've thought taking beatings on a regular basis would be good for my mood?"

After a bit of walking, he made his way to Praiyachat's gun shop. Mr. Praiyachat was the man who had made Revy's modified Beretta 92FS's (or Cutlasses and they called them). He was considered by most to be the best gunsmith in Roanapur. He was a short man, possibly in his 60's or 70's, scrawny, with male pattern baldness and missing teeth. He frequently wore a white tank top, which showed off his tattoos, and baggy pants. The elderly gunsmith saw Rock walk into his store, immediately wondering why Revy wasn't with him.
"Morning, Mr. Praiyachat," Rock greeted enthusiastically.
"Where Two Hands?" Praiyachat asked with suspicion.
"Probably still sleeping," Rock answered. "I'm here on my own business."
"I see," replied Praiyachat, arching an eyebrow. "So, what can I do for you today?"
"I was hoping to make a special order," replied Rock, getting right to the point.
"Two Hands make you her errand boy now?" chuckled Praiyachat.
"No, this order is for me," Rock replied bluntly.
"You?" exclaimed Praiyachat. "You gonna use gun now?"

Rock merely handed the old gunsmith a paper, he figured it was Rock's request. Praiyachat gave it a once over before arching both eyebrows.
"You can't be serious."
"I have the money if that's the issue," said Rock.
"That's not issue," snapped Praiyachat. "The issue is, do you think Two Hands will be happy with choice?"
"I'm not really concerned with her opinion on the matter," Rock said bluntly, though not in an angry tone. "This is what I've chosen. I'm assuming you can still make these?"
"Of course, I can!" exclaimed Praiyachat. Rock knew his question would strike a nerve with the old man. "It'll take few weeks, possibly longer! Cash upfront!"
"Not a problem," Rock said, unzipping his backpack, pulling out some bills.
"Where the fuck you get all that green?" asked Praiyachat, shocked that a customer actually had money to pay him right away.
"I don't have many expenses," Rock replied nonchalantly. "It can be pretty easy to save up on funds. Plus, I've made some extra winnings from my fights at the warehouse."
"You the Scrawny kid?" Praiyachat asked, again in shock.
"Yes, that would be me," sighed Rock, still not a fan of that nickname. "But, I'm not all that scrawny these days. Mind if I use your phone?"
"Sure, sure, go ahead," Praiyachat casually said, carefully counting the money and checking to make sure it was legit.

     Rock dialed a number and waited for someone to pick up.
"Privet?" a voice answered on the other line.
"Good morning, Boris," Rock answered in a friendly tone.
He had called the Hotel Moscow, home to a branch of the Russian Mafia. Led by the most feared woman in all Roanapur, Sofiya Pavlovna, better known as Balalaika. A veteran of the Soviet War in Afghanistan, her men were all part of her original battalion. They would follow her anywhere, do anything she asked of them. Rock was currently speaking to her second-in-command, Boris.
"It's Rock from the Lagoon Company."
"Mr. Okajima, da," Boris replied. "I'm sorry to inform you, Kapitan is not in at the moment."
"Actually, I was hoping to speak with you," replied Rock. There was a moment of silence before Rock just figured he'd elaborate. "You see, I've decided to take up shooting. And I figured, who better to ask for lessons than someone of your experience?"
"Surely, Miss Revy is more than qualified to teach you," Boris replied. "Even Dutch would be a more than sufficient teacher."
"That certainly is true," Rock continued. "However, Revy has a... how should I put it... colorful temper?" Boris said nothing to this. "As for Dutch, I just don't think it would be the best idea to ask my employer for lessons. I am able to compensate you for your time if need be." There was another long pause.
"What is your current location?" Boris finally asked.
"Mr. Praiyachat's gun shop," Rock answered, letting out a bit of a sigh. He wasn't sure how the stoic Russian would react to his request.
"I will come by in a few minutes," replied Boris. "Please keep eye out."
"Bol'shoe spasibo!" Rock replied enthusiastically.
"Pozhalujsta," Boris replied politely before the line went dead.

Notes: In case you were wondering what was said in Russian (at least these are basic translations, I'm not fluent):
privet = hello
da = yes
bol'shoe spasibo = thank you very much
pozhalujsta = you're welcome

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