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Tubbo pov

it was the next day and the day tommy is supposed to move in.I cant wait, I remember when we were little we talked about sharing a house, and Micheal would have a friend to play with and the fact that apparently wants to spent time with Ranboo. tommy doesn't hate Ranboo he just dislikes him, i've seen tommy defend Ranboo so he does like him. but I have a bad feeling from when we left Tommys house. the way he agreed to Ranboos suggestion so fast isn't him. even if that was me he would say something against it or say it was shit but nothing. I know somethings off, he has changed since he died but his way towards people is somewhat the same.

I look over the table to Ranboo trying to get Micheal to eat potatoes, I sigh. "I should go help tommy, i'll be back" I say standing up. "alright bye Tubbo". Ranboo says looking at me for a second and focusing back on Micheal.

I started walking to Tommys house, and on my way I felt like I was being watched.I became paranoid and started walking faster, I continually look around to see if I was alone. god I really wish Ranboo came with me, thats when I saw Purpled, "Purpled!" I yelled running towards him. "hey Tubbo" he said, he was wearing the las never das uniform. "can you walk me to Tommys house" he look confused. "uh sure, is everything ok?" he said turning around and started walking. "uh yeah, I feel like someone is watching and since dream escaped I dont want to be alone, and I feel like something bad happened." purpled response was a hum. we walked in quiet intel we got to Tommys dirt house. "thank you purpled" he smiled and started walking away.

when I opened Tommys door I knew something was wrong, he wasn't here neither was shroud. and it looks like something happened since his house was a bit messy. I walked around calling his name and found nothing,I started to grow worried. "Tommy!" I kept yelling now walking around his dirt house, what if dream. got him I kept thinking. "Tommys missing, everyone look for him I put in the communicator and started searching around.

hours later

no one can find him, not even shroud. were all worried, I personally think dream has got him and shroud and so does most of the server. the other thinks he runaway but thats impossible he wouldn't do that without me. i'm currently with Micheal and Ranboo in our bed, i'm to scared that they are going to get taken away from me. Quackity hired Punz to hunt down dream for two reasons.

I found that a chest had a bunch sweaters that tommy made so tomorrow i'm going to hand them out, I went to Philzas place I honestly expected Techno to be there cause where else would he be but he wasn't, I guess hiding from Sam and Quackity. he apparently hasn't seen him in ages and Wilbur wont say anything. this is stupid, Tommy must have saw something for him to disappear. what if he saw dream, but I asked purpled if he saw anything but he said he didn't. I sigh, "you need sleep" I heard a deep tired voice say, "cant" is all I could say, I can see them from the corner of me eye, he looks concerned.

the next day

I grabbed all the sweaters and put them in a bag, I pulled one out and it was purple. purpled. I walked to Tommys hotel and saw Jack at the counter. "hey tubs what can I do for you" he said in a cheery tone, why would he be happy Tommys missing. "oh um what room is purpled" "room one" "thanks" I make my way to the room and knock.

a minuet later I see a purple alien boy poke his head out, he's got messy hair and his jumper is a mess. "did I wake you" I said a bit embarrassed, I rub the back of my neck. "yeah, but whats up" he said leaning on the door frame, "well I was handing out some of the sweaters tommy made, and he's made one for you." I hand him a purple sweater, its got light green lines all over it representing normal alien words or space ships? but once I handed it to purpled he smiled and looked at it. "thanks" is all he said and closed his door, "bitch didn't let me say goodbye" I mumbled grabbing the next one and walking away.

this one looks like jacks shirt from when he first join, I guess tommy remade it since he accidentally burnt it when he joined l'manburge. "how was he" I hear behind me I turn and face jack, "he's good, oh and this is for you Tommy made it" I say turning around and walking out. I go around the smp handing them their sweaters.

as I walking walking back to the mansion I hear footsteps behind me, I look back and no ones there. "this feels like a horror movie" I say continuing my journey. I continue to hear footsteps. but they were never close enough for me to worry, and the person probably thought I couldn't hear them by the sounds of it.

as soon as I come in Micheal runs up and hugs my leg, I pick him up and rest him on my side. "bee food". I frow my brows, "did boo not make you any food while I was gone", Micheal shook his head. "then where was he". "boo had purple head circles and disappeared" oh no Ranboo is enderwalking, I have to find him but first I need to take care of Micheal.

I was almost done with Micheals food is when I heard the front door open, I go and see who it is and its Ranboo. "Ranboo". is all I say, he looks up at me and is scared I immediately soften. "whats wrong"I say slowly walking closer. " I just enderwalking." "where did you wake" "prison" is all he said and walked away. I sigh and go to continue Micheals food and made some for Ranboo.

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