The portal

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Purpled POV

As soon as I felt the heat go onto my face from the sun peaking into the back door that's in the bedroom I open my eyes and sat up.

I stretched and sat up, I went and changed out of work uniform and put on the sweater with a black shirt under it. I grabbed the bag I packed yesterday and began to walk to the portal that leaves to the other servers.

"Purpled!" I heard someone yell behind me I turn to see it's tubbo, "hi?" "Where are you going, weren't you supposed to have lunch with me and ranboo?" Oh right. Tubbo organised a little lunch for all the miners and drista for some reason.

"I um going to look for Tommy" "wait you know where he is, we didn't you tell us. Wait hold on, let me get ranboo and we both can go with you." "No I don't but I have a couple servers in mind, but you guys stay here just in case he comes back" tubbo nodded.

"Bring him home safe ok?" I smile and nod at tubbo. I turn back to the portal and step through, I spawned this brown room that looks like dirt with a bunch of portals with signs in front of them telling the name of the server.

I walk down the big room searching for the servers that starts with 'o'. With place holds every server or smp that exists, but not everyone is allowed in all of them unless you have the passcode. But thankfully for fundy he gave me the passwords to those servers.

When I finally reached the origins I pressed onto the sigh and a hologram popped up stating I put in the password, once I did it gave my permission to enter.

I stepped through the portal and got teleported into a world. I looked around and didn't see anyone or buildings, I started walking in a random direction and looked closely for anything.

After about ten minutes of walking I found this small makeshift home, I go to it and press my hand to it.

I could see how Tommy made a little house and putting his little spider kid into it and ran walked into a direction.

I pulled my hand away and the vision discovered, I started to walking in the direction I saw Tommy walk.

As I started to get closer to voices I heard a bit back I could see a floating piece on land in a middle of a valley with a river everywhere and houses and a barrow around it.

But as he started to get closer he saw people just under it, they were yelling but he was just at of range to exactly hear it only the screaming voices.

That's when he heard it, a scream of a familiar name. "Shroud!" He heard Tommy scream, and that was it for purpled to run closer to the group he jumped onto the barrow but stayed low to see what would happen.

Shroud Tommy's spider kid was in the alternate philzas arms as he's flying above the group crashing and screaming. Under the group he saw jack manifold but his was on fire, with blaze rose flying around him.

Next to him was fundy but he looked normal except he was shorter. On his shoulder was a really tiny man that purpled has never met before.

Next to fundy was once again someone purpled has never met, his hair was purple with shiny like starts in them. As well as the purple stuff coming up his arms.

Then there was Wilbur but he looked like ghost more like the ghost of Wilbur he once saw once floating around. He was invisible but he didn't have any of the blue stuff or his famous yellow sweater wasn't ripped.

Then there was another techno, but he looked human. Unlike the dream smp techno who was a full piglin this one had human skin but wearing a pig mask covering his face. He dressses like the other techno so the only difference was their species.

Then slime was here? He looked the same like nothing changed. Like he was the same person.

Purpled shook his head and continued to look at the people. There was a spider man who was wearing something similar to a priest clothing and the last of that group as Niki who was in water and looked like a mermaid.

Now the other group which was only three people were a tubbo bee, and ranboo but his skin wasn't black and white it was only black. He wore this purpled cape over a dance light grayish purple shirt with dress pants, and his crown.

And in the middle was Tommy, with these wings coming out of his back while some also coming out of his ankles but they were really short. He was crying and seemed to be really angry.

"Let him go, please. What did he ever do to you" I heard Tommy yell at the adults. "Your too young for a kid Tommy, your not responsible enough" and boy that must of hurt. Purpled once heard the original philza yell that at Tommy in front of his house.

"Your a peace of shit Phil, all of you he's my son give him back!" Tubbo and ranboo were holding him back from trying to kill a group of adults.

" why do you keep saying this to me, you guys don't know anything about me and what happened to me so god damn drop it and leave me alone!"

Purpled heart stopped, he knew Tommy would of not told the server he wasn't from here so when Tommy outed himself he could see Tommy regretted it.

Both ranboo and tubbo dropped his arms and stepped back looking at him weirdly, "what are you talking about, we only learnt about shroud a couple days ago when would have Phil told you to get rid of it" he heard tubbo say as he hovered up from the floor.

The group of adults seemed to get closer but only the bird flying man staying still, that's when I knew I had to interrupt. "Tommy!" I yelled and jumped up from the barrow and into view of everyone.

kill him/purpleinnit !platonic!/mcytWhere stories live. Discover now