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Tommy POV

It's time for the plan. My first evil scheme on this server, even though what we're doing is more like a prank but from what I know is that this server is more peaceful then dreams.

People steal stuff and tease you but that's really it. Then again I've only been here for what 3 days? I don't know I've lost count, I've also figured out because my wings are so weak I can't fly only glide which is shit, the I want to build a training area to help stronger my wings.

But first things first to get fundy, I have a plan on what to do while ranboo and tubbo get ready. I will admit it took my ages to find fundy a barrow he hid it pretty well but it's time to begin.

"Fundy!" I shout walked in, he jumps and turns around with wide eyes. Once he saw me he relaxed. "Oh hey Tommy" he replied continuing on what he was doing. I walked around looking in chest to see if he was missing or low on something, I hate getting recourses but after exile I learnt to not steal them most of the time.

Ha! He's missing his berries the only thing he needs to eat I'm pretty sure, I've only ever seen him eat those. I slowly turn to where fundy was and smiled. " hey your missing some berries why not grab some food with me yeah?" I said walking over to him, "maybe later Tommy" "no now, whatever your doing can wait I'm more important" I said pulling fundy away from whatever he was doing

He groaned and looked at me. "Tommy what do you want" "to come grab food with me" "fine will that leave you alone" "yes" I smile and waited for him to get ready. Once he was we left and went to the woods.

"So do you only eat berries"  "no" "but I only see you eat berries" I look towards him confused, "I do it for the aethstetic" "that's weird" "I guess" for the next half an hour he spent getting food it was time to head back and I hoped tubbo and ranboo have done their job.

When we got back to fundy a barrow it looked normal, I was pissed at this. They had done nothing and god was I angry. We were about to enter the house when ranboo messaged me, 'don't go in' was all it said. I stood there looking confused and looked at fundy, he was so close to stepping inside intel they went off. The tnt was massive and fundy got thrown into me and I got the wind nocked out of me and the impact.

I lay on the ground dazed, I felt fundy got off and heard yelling. When I got my breath back I sat up and looked around. Philza,fundy,Wilbur,tubbo and ranboo were around me. Fundy was yelling while Phil was listening to him, Wilbur was looking at me disapprovingly and tubbo and ranboo stood there with no emotions.

"He wanted me dead Phil he wanted to blow me up" all I heard "wait,no I didn't want to I didn't know there was tnt" I said standing up but soon then falling. Ranboo caught me and put his arms and my shoulders to keep me grounded.

"Then why did you want me to leave my base so much" fundy replied "sorry I wanted to go grab food with you" I replied sarcastically, I felt ranboo while on my tighten. Guess I should of not said in that tone. "I don't care if you did it or not you need to stay in your room"

I'm fucking grounded, was like when I lived with Phil before the dream smp. Ranboo grip let go and I walked to where this pub is. Once I got into my room I barricaded it so no one came in while I was playing with shroud.

Why didn't ranboo or tubbo back me up. I kept thinking, but of course it's me who gets blamed. "Papa" shroud said, I looked at him and smiled. "Hey kiddo, what's up" I said moving this tiny wool toy I sewed for shroud. "You look sad are you ok" he said. I smiled and hugging him which he hugged back, "im fine, I've got you~" I know I don't usually act like this but it always distracts shroud and right now he doesn't need my sadness.

He giggles and tackles me, "woah buddy be careful with your strangeness" he begins to lightly punch my chest saying things like he's a hero. I sat up and picked him up and threw him and catches him. He giggles and jumped into the bed.

I hear a knock on the door then it trying to open, me and shroud looked at the door. Shroud hurriedly got off the bed and picked up his stuff and went into his tiny room in the corner. While I was moving the blocking furnitur, then suddenly the door was whipped open by tubbo.

I jumped back at the surprised and the look on ranboos face said the same thing. "Jesus tubbo" "what you wouldn't open it" "there's a thing called privacy" "yeah yeah" he waved his hand in my face and walked in, ranboo mouthed sorry and followed tubbo. "And you guys here for what?" I questioned turning around to face them.

"We came to say sorry" ranboo said but what tubbo face said was the opposite, " for you to be blamed wasnt part of the plan" tubbo said " well thanks for backing me up" I said in a annoyed tone, "look if we all got caught we wouldn't be able to continue" tubbo said in a factly tone.

"Alright then" I sat on the bed and leaned on ranboo shoulder, "it won't happen again we promise, we'll have to be even sneakier" I heard ranboo say as I fell asleep.

Uploading 2 today cause I wanted too :)

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