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Tommy POV

I felt a hand on my shoulder rubbing it, it felt nice. It was a warm feeling like when the sun hits your skin but it isn't to hot and isn't to cold but just right.

I slowly open my eyes feeling no rush, "morning bird brain" and there it goes. I open my eyes full to see purpled smiling at me. "You just ruined my morning fuck off" I rolled over and shoved my face into the couch.

I hear him laughed and get up, "c'mon get up we need to leave before dream gets here." Right. Dream, we're running from him. Thanks to purpled I'm now on the run i dont know even know why he's helping me.

We didn't have the best interactions so why now be nice. I sit up and just look at the snow outside. It reminds me of snowchester tubbos little nation. Well it is snow Chester but my version, i sigh and get up.

"Mimi!" Shroud runs towards me and bear handles my legs. I wiggle a bit but got my balance. "Hey bud, ready for another run" he jumps in my arms nodding his head up and down.

I laugh as I put him back down and look towards the kitchen, to see a yellow alien and a raccoon hybrid talking lovey dovey like tubbo and ranboo do back at the dream smp.

"Weird isn't it" purpled says next to me, "it's gross" "so you don't do that with all your wives and women" "no I do, I do way more then that if you know what I mean. But seeing it's us is just weird".

"So seeing 2 men do that is weird" "NO! No! Of course not but it's us," I said pointing to me and purpled. "We're not like that, we don't interact like that" purpled just nodded.

"I get it your jealous their like that and we're not" "I didn't mean it like that!" I yelled in my normal obnoxious voice. "Calm down you two, when are you leaving?" "We're going to go now".

We got our bags and shroud stays tucked into my broken wings. "Thank you again and for the potions" purpled says waving goodbye following better ranboo. "Potions? Tommy!" Was all we heard when we left the house.

We once again followed this awesome ranboo all the way to the portal with ease. "Thank you again,sorry this happened" purpled said with slight embarrassment, I rolled me eyes "well at least we got to meet better ranboo" "Tommy our ranboo is just fine" "no he's not! He's a big pussy this ones a man like me".

I heard the ranboo laugh and ruffle my hair "bitch don't touch my hair" I try to get it back to what it was but got close enough.

Before we stepped foot in the portal we heard someone screaming. I turn to see the supposed dream of this server. "Nightmare!" Ranboo said surprised, all this dude did was smile at the enderman.

"Sorry about George, hope to see you again though in good terms" "yeah same." "Oh right I got this for you guys," I grabbed the bag and opened it. It was filled with sweats and food. My mouth waters at the sight but it was ripped out of my hands I look up at purpled and he shakes his head.

"Your a bitch" "your going to eat it all in a matter of seconds." Purpled pulls out a couple cookies and hands them to me. I smile and grab them eating the awesome chocolate chip cookie.

When I was done we waved bye to better ranboo and nightmare and we stepped through to the portal. It flashes bright red and dims down once we're in the dirt looking hub. Once my vision became clear I felt something on my cheek.

I touch it and to see blood on my fingers, I look around and saw dream up ahead in the hub smiling. "There you are Tommy," "purpled we need to go" "what?". I look over to purpled who seems to try and get his vision back.

But I couldn't wait I grabbed the aliens hand and ran the opposite way to dream not caring if the dream smp portal was that way. I felt a pain in my leg and I stumbled forward but luckily purpled grabbed me.

I felt shrouds arms hug my chest and I got picked up. "I can fucking walk you know" "your leg is bleeding dip shit." He ran into the closet portal and we were sent falling down from the sky.

And as the big man I am screamed. We luckily landed in water but unluckily it was old dirty water. I swam to the edge and put shroud on the stone, purpled seemed to get the bags and swam to the edge.

"Hide your features, this doesn't look like the normal server" I nodded and slowly pulled my broken wings back. Purpled covered his alien features and turned his eyes a normal colour.

Shroud also seemed to pull his legs in and hide his mutiple eyes changing it to a brown colour then red. "Are you kids ok?" I heard behind me and saw a version of philza.

Oh you got to be fucking me another Phil to deal with. Just like the previous server he had big black wings that seemed to work. "I saw you guys falling from the sky, sorry I didn't make it in time. Oh you guys must be cold from the water here let me take you to hq."

This Phil seemed to comment on this weird holding device and asked for blood god and siren to come to wherever they were for help. We waited a couple minutes in silence which fucking sucked. I hate silence I can't stand it, just sitting there listening to my brain and seeing things you don't want to see.

"What's up crow father" I heard a voice and looked up to see a Wilbur? But he was wearing this costume with all blues and whites and looked like he was trying to dress up as a hero.

"What's so urgent to call us here in the middle of our patrol" another voice said and this time was techno he didn't look so different but instead of a long king cape was a more hero version.

Uploads might be slower now since my posting caught up with my writing 😅

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