
775 31 2

Tommy POV

I looked at purpled confused, and Niki sighed. "So there's this box right, and inside this box is a bunch of wires and the wires do these things to make these pictures move on it."

I looked over to purpled who know move about this kind of stuff then me. He seemed to be thinking, purpled shrugged and I went to look at Niki again. "Ok well is everyone alright?" "Yeah sorry, Tommy freaked out a bit" the Niki nodded and left.

"What the fúck is a tv" "i dont know this world seems to have more then just red stone and sun produced power." I just nodded, "what are we going to do now" "escape, we need to find a way back." "How the portal was in the sky and I can't fly so how are we getting up there,"

"I don't know" "this is your fault you know, your the one who went into this portal" "you were injured! It was the closest one!" "Blame dream for that" was all I said.

I looked over to the chairs to see shroud still sleeping so I walked over to the window that looked out onto the town. I saw people jumping from buildings to building and some using powers. 

Everything was so different compared to the dream smp, we have building yes but not this type of red stone and stuff. Probably the only thing that had this type of technology is the prison and maybe las neverdas, it's new and fucking weird.

I looked up at the sky and tried to see if there was any indication of a portal, "I think I know what to do" purpled said and I looked back to him. "And you might not like it" I eyed him sceptically but waited for him to continued.

"We need to wait for dream to come through" my breathed hitched but I tried to calm myself before I panic again. "It will open once he comes through and we could slip passed." "How the hell are we supposed to fly up there though." "Haven't thought of that,"

"We'll hurry up will you I don't want to be here anymore." "I'm trying my best here! I'm saving your life and coming up with the plans to escape! What are you doing, nothing!" Purpled snapped turning to look at me.

"If you think your so good go on! Go out there and find a way out escape with shroud." "Maybe I will!" "Fine get out!" I went over to shroud and picked him up and left the office. I tried to memorise the way out of the building from when hero Phil took us in here.

Once I got out I looked around, I probably should of stayed with purpled but I hate to admit when I'm wrong so I'll have to go with it. Ok so what was that place that hero philza said me and purpled were when we got here.

Um I think it's called miner street, wow imagine all the miners are there.

Miner street

Literally this place is filled with teens, well shit. I'll try have to find that pool area again, I walk down the street looking at the buildings. Some were torn and others looked liveable in, a lot of people were sleeping on the streets.

But this certain building looked familiar, so I walked in and it was the building that me and purpled crashed in. I walk around trying to find a good place to stay for the night.

Once I found a comfy area we're shroud wouldn't hurt himself I sat down. "Mimi" I looked in my lap to see shroud waking up, I smiled down at them and put his hair of of their eyes. "Hey bud how are you, where's purple man?"

"He went to go get food but here have this cookie I stole" shroud grabbed the cookie and started eating it. I leaned back onto the wall and stared at the wall in front of me.

"TOMMY YOU FUCKING IDIOT" I heard someone yell, I jumped and hugged shroud. The voice did sound familiar but I couldn't tell who's. "What, I needed to get out" someone said sounding a lot like me.

I got up confused and went to see where the people were talking. "YOU WERE ALMOST CAPTURED" the other person yelled again. "You can stop yelling tubs if you don't the hero's might hear then I would actually get captured."

I peaked around the corner to see the me know this server and the Tubbo. "Your luck ranboo distracted them, let's hope he makes it here." The tubbo said looking and sounding annoyed.

"Wait what's that over there" the tubbo said looking in my direction, oh shit he saw me. I quickly ducked and ran, "HEY!" I heard behind me but I continued.

I ran to where shroud is and picked him up and tried to hide, I heard footsteps running up the hall and slowing down. I closed my eyes right, hoping they don't find me.

"He looks like a pussy" and fuck they found me, I open my eyes to see the tubbo and a me lookalike looking at me. "I'm not a fucking pussy" they both seemed shocked but I'm guessing that cause I sound like their Tommy.

"Are you fucking copying me, what's your power, huh? Tell me" the other me came close to look imitating but not being close. I stand up and shrouds sits on my shoulder, me being both older and taller then this version definitely seemed to make him back up a bit but still keeping up the imitating look.

"I don't have one cause I'm not from this server," "what's a server?" "Isn't this a server?" The two looked at each other and back at me clearly confused. Great now I know who that Kiki felt. "It's like a world kind of like a alternate one but you can travel.

"This isn't a server is it?" The two shook their heads. Great.

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