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Purpled POV

Rainbow was leading me and Tommy through the server trying to avoid the nightmare team. The server did kind of looked the same but you can notice the difference.

I've realised that this ranboo is basically me, we also went passed Tommy's dirt house which is now looked like a bee sanctuary. We started to get closer the the tundra, and I noticed Tommy started to get cold.

"You cold Tommy?" "What of course not, I'm a big man and big men don't get cold. Pussys are the ones that get cold." I just stare at him, sometimes I dont get Tommy. Why refuse an offer? To prove your a man I don't get it really but it's Tommy.

"Here dickhead your going to get frost bite and you don't want that from running from your manipulator" rainbow handed their half black and white jumper to the slightly smaller teen.

What surprised me was Tommy took it, shroud also seemed to get under the jumper and hugged his father to keep warm. I looked over the the tallest teen and he had a smug look.

"What that for" "nothing, why ask him he obviously would never say yes. You gotta give it to him" "and you know that how?" "I've also got a Tommy he might act different but their still the same."

"When are we there?" "Now" I looked passed the tall enderman to see cobblestone buildings with some touches of wood. We go to the door and knock, we hear commotion and a Tommy lookalike opens the door.

"Rainbow my friend!" Tommy says "how's the gay crisis" "Tommy just cause my name is rainbow doesn't mean I'm going through a gay crisis twenty four seven" rainbow rubs the top of his eyes looking annoyed.

My Tommy seems to laugh at that, I smile and look at his direction. "Thought you stop laughing" "bitch since fucking when did I stop laughing," Tommy looks at me confused.  "Since you-" "what the hell, why do you look like me but a sad and older version" I turn to the door to see the other Tommy.

"What the fúck, I'm not a sadder version I'm the better and mainly version" my Tommy fight back. "There from a different server that is like the opposite of ours" rainbow explained seemly trying to calm younger Tommy.

"They need hide from the nightmare team" "nightmare team? How'd you manage that nightmare and pandas are one of the nicest here how did you make them mad" "we didn't um the other one kind of shouted intruders and we like ran" "George might be the only one consign after you but not sure."

"So we can stay here intel we heal up" "oh uh sure, yellowed is in his workshop so he might not be in for a while,names?" The Tommy said walking into the house waiting us to follow.

"Purpled and Tommy" "you look like my husband but purple" "I'm pretty sure I am your husband but purple". "Well make yourself comfortable, anything you need ask and I'll steal it off yellowed or Toby" Tommy goes and sits on the couch and pulls a blanket around him and shroud.

I follow the duo into the kitchen and listen to them talk. "So tell me what's happening" "from what I know they are trying to run from the other you's manipulator." "He was manipulated! Oh my god poor soul" "like he has one" they both turn towards me confused.

"Dream the um manipulator killed him and brought him back to life," the Tommy who was cooking looked like he was about to cry it was so weird since he looked a lot like younger Tommy. And it was rare to ever see Tommy cry in front of people.

"So how long you staying here" "we're leaving as soon as we can, we don't want dream coming here" Tommy nodded. "Uh hot chocolate" "yeah please" the other Tommy handed me a hot chocolate and went to go give shroud and my Tommy one too.

"So what do you need to leave" "got any potions?" "Oh yeah yellowed has a lot, come follow me" I follow the other Tommy to this ladder and we climb down into this storage area.

Tommy goes through every chest intel he finds the one and grabs a bunch of potions. "This enough?" "Fuck yeah! Thanks other Tommy" "thank yellowed it's his" I nodded and put them into my inventory.

We both climb back out and look outside to see it's dark, "you should stay for the night, it's dangerous and George is better in the dark" rainbow said holding shroud.

"And your Tommy already passed out" I looked towards the couch to indeed see him cuddled to the side this a blanket around him.

"Yeah would be a good idea" but before I could go lay on the couch with the avian hybrid the front door swing open to reveal a yellow alien.

Once he looked up he locked eyes with me, "what the fuck, who are you" "this is purpled and Tommy they need to stay the night and they'll leave" other Tommy buts in.

He nods and puts his coat up and the hanger. "We look similar, are we related or something" "no uh we're technically the same person but different server and stuff."

He nodded and went over to the other Tommy, he whispers something in his ears and kissed his head. The Tommy nodded and hug yellowed.

The lookalikes walk passed me and said goodnight. "You staying here" I turn towards rainbow who is washing up the mugs, "yeah kinda need to help you get back to the portal". "Alright um goodnight rainbow" "night purpled".

I went to the couch where shroud and Tommy are and slept on the other side.

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