The deal

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Purpled POV

It's been a couple days since Tommy went missing, people have been on the lookout for him and dream. I'm one of the people who think dream took Tommy, it's not like him to go missing without telling anyone.

Tubbo the day after he disappeared gave me a sweater that he made, it looks really cool and I wear it around the hotel sometimes if it's colder then usually I'll wear it under my jumper.

On a side note I keep hearing those bangs in the next room, and I keep checking it and no ones there. It's been a bit eerie around here, I now know what Tubbo means it's like some is watching you, and slowly following you. doesn't bother me i can take anyone out but it is unsettling.

i've been going to Tommys couple times now, i've been doing his to do list and making sure its good when he comes home. I sometimes sleep in the dirt thing as well, Jack wants me to start paying more the longer I stay so i've been sleeping in his house to advoid that. i've also found a couple books hidden in his basement. some were just diary's of some things that have happened, others are stuff he needed to do since he went to therapy and there was one which was a suicide note, it was dated ages but I know tommy's not dead. someone would have seen the message plus he wouldn't leave that spider kid.

I was in Tommys basement trying to sew a sweater cause I found instruction's from one of his books. thats when I heard the door open, I stopped and slowly stood up and went to check it out. the door was open and that was it, "Tommy?" I called hoping to see if he came back, but no response. I shrugged and shut the door and turned, thats when I felt to strong hands pin my shoulders to the wall. it surprised me but when I saw who it was I felt my heart drop.

"hey purpled" the masked man said, "wheres tommy" "I never touched him, he ran away out of the server." "what?" I said confused, "and I need you to hunt him down to either kill him or bring him back here so I can do it in front of everyone, he needs to learn his lessons again" dream said with some venom in his words. I started to get uncomfarable, "what are you even doing here, Punz is looking for you and so is everyone else." "here take this and think of the offer" was all he said intel he disappeared. I looked into the bag he gave me and it was filled with diamonds, emeralds and netherite. "where did he get this so soon out of prison" I say just quietly.

I put the bag into my enderchest and sit on tommys bed, do I hunt him down or do I let him live. who knows what dream will do if I dont. I lay down on the bed and fall asleep, "ill just think it overnight" I mumble.

white wings, I could see white wings with red tips. and a person who the wings belong to, they were gliding down from this floating mounting house? the kid looks similar to tommy, but he had different clothes and wings on his ankles and back. and the spider kid wasn't anywhere is sight, wait! theres something flying in the sky, those big grey wings looks like Phil's but they weren't damaged. wait it landed, it was Phil. he came close to Tommy and they were talking. they started walking and tommy seemed to walk faster then Phil, faster then a normal person would. i've heard tommy walks fast but I thought because he's tall but were the same height and he walks just a bit faster then me.

I jolt up, I heard a noise next to me. I look to see a bag? wait didn't I out it in my enderchest, I go to check and the bag was there. now i'm confused, I look outside to see it was the next day. I go and open the bag and it was more diamonds and netherite. damn dream really wants Tommy, but what happened if i tell Punz that I saw dream.

I thought of the outcome but I didn't like what I thought but I packed up the bag and put it in my enderchest. now time to visit Phil, I need to see what that dream was about.

when I arrived at Phil's I saw Techno and Niki talking to the side, weird i've never seen them interact but I do usually spend my time on bedwars so fair enough. I continue to the door and knock. "Purpled nice to see you" Phil said while opening the door, "hey Phil I have a question about Tommy?" "oh what is it" "does tommy have wings" that seem to shock him, "not that I remember but you'll probably be better asking Wilbur or Techno" he said "oh then is Wilbur here?" "yes he's upstairs" I nod to him while walking to the ladder inside. as soon as I started climbing I caught the smell of smoke and it was strong. I open the trapdoor and climb through. "who are you" I heard him say, "Purpled". "dont think I remember you" "well I was at all the wars so thats disappointing." I answered. "but i'm not here for that, I have a question about Tommy" Wilbur scoft but stood and leaned on the wall and started at me to continue. "does he have wings," "id be surprised if he still has them, they got damaged a lot when he was in exile from what Ghostbur remembers, but he used to" that was all I needed so I started climbing down and walking home or to Tommys dirt place.

when I arrived i saw Ranboo standing outside, I stopped near the side of the tiny hill. "Ranboo?" he seemed to come back to reality to that, "oh Purpled, hi" he said with a smile, i noted he had a purple allium in his hand. "what are you doing" "oh just giving tommy our flower" he said throwing it on the path, "bye Purpled I have to get back to Tubbo" was all they said then left. I went to pick up the flower and put it in a flower pot inside, I got sit on Tommys bed and decide what ill do. I could leave him alone but that would mean dream could do something bad to all of us or I could hunt him down.

I made my decision i'm going to hunt him down.

kill him/purpleinnit !platonic!/mcytWhere stories live. Discover now