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The last chapter had so many mistakes I'm sorry if it confused anyone, I need to start rereading the chapters dont I?

Purpled POV

"He's after you Tommy and he knows your here" Tommy seemed to freeze after that sentence. His gaze on the floor but after a minute or so looked at me. "Did you led him here" "what! No, I came to protect you from him but if we need to leave quickly."

Tommy seemed to think but before he could say anything his name was screamed, both Tommy and I looked to who it belonged to and we saw that Phil had ranboo over nikis pond. Tubbo had  shroud on his back and he was flying close to ranboo looking like he was going to grab them if phil dropped them.

"Why do this all for a kid" I yelled at the flying man. " he too young to have a kid" "but he's not even your Tommy, he's mine and he already has to fight our Phil to have this kid so leave it alone".

Me and Phil argued for a good while but never came to a conclusion. " just let go of ranboo" I say walking closer to the lake with Tommy following. "Fine, you want ranboo better know how to swim." And Phil let go of ranboo.

Tubbo managed to grab one of ranboos hand but the enderman being bigger then the bee fell as well with the enderman.

Tommy scream and ran to the lake where the duo fell. Niki as well helped Tommy carry the kids out. I ran over to see ranboo covers in blood and burns all over his skin that shown through his expensive clothing.

Tubbo looked fine but he might not be able to fly cause of his wings being drenched. Shroud also seemed fine just spitting water out of his mouth.

"What the fúck" Tommy yelled and turned to the other Phil, I zoned out of their conversation and continued to look at the burnt enderman. I put my hand on his chest and tried my best to heal him.

I'm still learning my alien powers so the healing didn't heal fully but I brought out a healing poison and put it down ranboos throat so he couldn't feel the pain anymore.

Once ranboo felt fine enough he sat up and looked at me. "Thanks random dude" "purpled" "matches your style" "why thank you, I think I did a pretty good job" ranboo seemed to let out a breathy laugh.

"You ok boo?" We both looked at the bee hybrid who had the tiny spider in his arms running his hands though the kids hair. Ranboo smiled and nodded but looked behind me.

I turned and saw Tommy and Phil yelling, "so he's not our Tommy?" I turn to look at tubbo and was looking at me. "Yes, he um ran away" "why?" This time ranboo joined in.

"This guy named dream escaped prison and Tommy freaked out wanted to protect shroud so he ran away. So dream couldn't hurt him." "So are there duplicates of us," tubbo asked exited" "yeah there are, but you guys look different"

I was suddenly on the floor and feeling something on top of me, I look so see Tommy frozen onto of me looking into the field. I look to see dream walking towards us. The adults seemed to get the idea and blocked Tommy from the stranger.

"Who's that" ranboo said standing up to see the masked figure, "dream" was all I said pulling Tommy off my back and into my arms. I heard buzzing noise like a bee was angry and looked over to tubbo who seemed to be pissed.

"Here take Tommy, make sure he doesn't get close to him and make sure he gets to the portal." Ranboo nodded getting Tommy out of my arms so I could help the adults.

Once I made it to the front Phil was the first to talk to me. "Do you know this person" "yes, this is dream the person I'm trying to protect Tommy of. I need your help just try get me and Tommy to the portal safetly and well make him leave. Just don't let him near Tommy or shroud."

Phil nodded and looked back to the rest of adults and seemed to be comunicating. "I mean no harm I'm just here to bring Tommy home" dream says walking towards us.

"There's no one named Tommy here" "then why he purpled my companion here," "I came so to see it he was here but he's not here so I'm leaving" I was about to walk  to dream but the other Phil pulled me back.

I watched dream smile fade and grabs his mask and puts it on his face. I turn my head to see that the other miners were gone. I turned around in a quick second I grab my sword and blocked my face from dreams own one.

I push on my sword making dream stumbling backwards, the others seemed to grab their weapons. And I sneaked out of the fight. I grabbed a invisible potion and drank it so I can get passed dream.

But of course dream knew, me not being cautious like I should of ended up with a dagger in my shoulder. I quickly pulled it out and the potion wore off making me go visible again. I looked over the adults, some were beaten and other looked tired out.

But I sprinted to the portal, the adrenaline making me go faster. Once I got it in view I saw the other miners. Tommy was holding shroud and was talking to tubbo and ranboo.

"Tommy!" I yelled, trying to get the youngest attention which it did thankfully. When I got close enough I started to slow down, I know dream would probably be trying to get to me but I hope the others kept him distracted enough.

"You ready" Tommy nodded, the blond turned to the brunette and hugged him, he then turned to the enderman and nodded to him. Tommy then turned to me and I smiled at him.

"Purpled~ Tommy~" I heard behind me and turned to see dream walking closer with blood all over his hoodie. "Quick grab my hand and follow me" I said turning back to the teenage parent.

The younger nodded and grabbed my hand. I ran into the portal was teleported into the hub room like before. I ran back over to the area where the dream smp portal was. Finding the portal and looking at the sign for a quick seeing the dream smp on the sign was enough for me to run in with Tommy behind.

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