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purpled pov

to start off i dont know how im going to. track tommy down from another server. all i keep thinking about is that vision i saw, it look like he was in the. dream smp but with no trauma. i usally dont like using my alien "powers" per say but im going to have to for this.

i start by going through his books, using my see power i guess. basically when i touch something i can see. when that person was in the moment and what they are thinking. the problem is that i also sometimes get random visions of people and some are not the best since i do see stuff i wish i didnt.

i didnt see anything from the books, so i looked around to see if anything might give away a hint. i thought for a moment and maybe the sweater i got could work. i ran to my bag where it is and picked it up, my eyes glowerd purple and so did. my two other pairs, i could see tommy making the sweater and talking to his kid. "im so exhited shroud," uh so the kids name shroud. "i hope purpled likes this, this ones been the hardest with all the alien stuff. i want to spend more time with him, oh and you should meet him. but. sadly hes always busy either playing bedwars or working for quackity." tommy. seemed sad at this he. randbolled for a. while. longer. but intel something he said caught me off guard. "and hes lonley i know. he has punz but hes got no one to really talk to, and i wonder if we could get married, i dont know like how tubbo and ranboo said theirs is for tax benifits ours could be for not being alone." and the vision ended, i didnt know what to say. it would be nice to not be alone. i shake my head but then another vision started, this tommy was on the night he left. and he was paniking running around stuffing stuff in a bag. he picked up my sweater and looked at it. he sighed. and put it pack. "im going to find a nice server for you" he said looking at shroud.

"maybe one thats close to this" he sighed and pick shroud up and left running. i was sucked out of the vision and just left there. i sighed and leaned onto the bed. "how am i going to do this." i wispear to myself, how am i going to find him. hes litterly in a whole other server. tomowwrow i have a bedwars thing with sam and Hannah, that will hopefully get my mind off this.

i go to the best and lay down, i start to feel dowsy from using my powers but eventrully fall asleep.

kill him/purpleinnit !platonic!/mcytWhere stories live. Discover now