the new server

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tommy pov

I found a nice server but whats crazy about it, its like a alternate reality to the dream smp. there are people from the smp here not everyone only a handful of them. as soon as I arrived my communicator went off and told me to choose a origin? well since I got wings and they are very weak I choose avian. as soon as I choose that my wings were healed. it was like before they got damage and a pair of feathers grew on my ankles. my strawberry blond hair covered the white streak and all my bruises and cuts got healed and since I changed my clothes to something new I look like a new person. I look around and try to find a place were I could build shroud a little home, once I finished that shroud turn into their spider form and hid.

once I got where everyone else is I was shocked first was Ranboo, instead of him having black and white skin his was all black like a normal enderman, but his eyes were the same. I look around and notice a lot of people but there were only two people who I couldn't recognise.

I start to make my way to the floating island just looking around. I need and excuse to bring shroud out, he cant stay in that make shift house forever but I cant just now. "what you thinking boss man" I hear someone say to me, I look to see its Tubbo. "nothing, what are you doing" I say and act casually as I can. "nothing really, you still coming to that meeting" he said coming closer just so I could hear, "um yeah, where is it again" I say nervously. "oh right I guess Ranboo didn't tell you its in the village come when Phil is asleep." Tubbo said and flew away. "village?" I say quietly and look around, guess I might see it when I get to the top of this mountain.

this is a big house, I found my room it was in front of Phils. I dont know if just me and Phil sleep here but I know not everyone does. I also found the village Tubbo was talking about which is a plus. "hey Tommy" I froze, i've never heard that voice before and it was distance? I look around intel I realise it was that really small dude. "hey" I say dragging out the y, "what are you doing" he said jumping onto one of my chest. "just relaxing," "thats new usually you go to annoy someone" the tiny dude says, oh right I have to act like my old self. "oh bitch ill go annoy Philza minecraft" I say and walked to find him.

couple hours later

I managed to sneak shroud into my room, I made a little space for him and he should be comfy. I gave him all the meat I collected cause I now apparently cant eat meant which is shit, like i'm a vegetarian how shit is that. but its time for me to go to that meeting Tubbo asked me to go to.  I sneak out of the house and go to the ledge that the village is at and I jump, i'm not used to using my wings so it is weird to used them but it is fun to just glide. once I made it to the bottom I started my way to the village.

me, Tubbo and Ranboo were the only one coming to this meeting apparently. "so what should we do" Tubbo started, "do what?" T questioned both Tubbo and Ranboo looked at me surprised then it turned  into a skeptical look. "to destroy the server Tommy, what do you mean your the one who wanted to do this" my heart dropped when Tubbo said that. i'm the villain in this server, but I cant be I will never be. oh shit what have I gotten myself into. "just a bit tired, so anyone have any good ideas" I say leaning back on this chair, I hope I dont regret what i'm going. to do, "well we could cut off someones food supply, we know certain people need certain food." Ranboo said the last part looking in my directions. "were not cutting off any plants except if they are all mine" I said in a stern tone towards Ranboo, and they just shrugged in response. "we could blow up their house" Tubbo pipped in excited, I guess no matter the universe Tubbo likes explosions. "that definitely would be fun" I added, Tubbo grinned at me and look towards Ranboo. "who's house" was all he said, "well niki's would be hard, so she's out of the list" I add, "oh maybe Fundy" Tubbo said, " then its settled Fundy's house" "ill get the explosives, tommy you need to distract him" I nodded. "alright see you tomorrow fellas" and we all split.

I just hope I dont regret what i'm going to do in the future.

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