He likes you

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Purpled pov

Me and Tommy are now walking back to my apartment with Punz and we're trying to think what to tell the hero.

We've come up with a backup plan that either involves Tommy trying to fly or me teleporting... But that's our last resort. I dont know what dreams planning since I expected dream to follow us.

"Ok I've got it" I jump out of my thoughts and turn to the blind next to me. "Tell him the truth" I rolled me eyes, "mhm sure like he'll believe us" "well we could get the other me to come with us just not mention he's a vigilante."

"Ok, we're here. " I said looking up at the window  that leads to the small apartment,  helping both Tommy and shroud get in the apartment was a hassle but we got through it.

Once inside tommy I'm guessing got shroud some food and put him at the small table, "what time is it" the blind said looking towards me. I look at the window to see where the sun is in the sky. "Um probably around maybe 12 in the afternoon" I said looking back at the younger.

Tommy hummed and walked around the room, he paused at the table in front of a couch and this tv thing. Picking up a small controller, pressing all the buttons until the tv turned on.

"The red one" Tommy said showing the little container to me, I smiled and nodded turning around to look at shroud. 

He seemed to be done with his food so I went to go clean him up and put the rest in the bin, "so how are you bud" shroud looks at me and smiles.

"I'm good mr alien" this was the first time me and shroud really talked, "that's good, so what's your favourite colour?" "OH it's um what's it called?" Shroud then seemed to look around the room and when landed on Tommy his eyes lit up.

"That colour! On Mimi's sh-shirt" he said happily pointing to Tommy, it also seems that shroud struggles with words which makes sense since he's still a kid.

"White?" I ask turning to look back at shroud, but he shakes his head. Now I'm confused Tommy's wearing a white shirt but also wearing a red cardigan.

"Red?" I ask once more and this time the tiny spider nods his head, "the red thing that your Mimi is wearing is called a cardigan. Can you say that? Cardigan."

"C-car-ga-gen?" "Try again you've got this you were so close" "car" I nod encouraging him. "Cargi" "not gi it's pronounced differently, say di" shroud nods, "cardi?" I nod smiling at him. "Cardigan, cardigan!"

He jumps excitedly saying the word over and over again. "Good job! You did it" he then jumped into my arms almost knocking us off the chair.

I laugh at the littles antics, i then hear a yarn so I start to run my hand through the child's hairs. "You tired spiderling" the head on my chest moves which I'm pretty sure is in the motion up and down.

"He likes you" a voice says behind me, "ever since you catched him in that server he's liked you" he continues. "So if dream catches me and I die-" "your not going to die" I say sternly, "I-I want you to take care of him," Tommy continues.

"I won't let him, to both of those" "how did dream know where I was or where we were" he said sitting on a chair in front of me.

"Dream um he kinda hired me to hunt you down to kill you or bring you back so he can kill you." I looked at Tommy's face and it was full of anger and betrayal, "b-but I'm not going to let him I decided to help you instead."

"Haven't i done that, protect you form him I could literally just let him have you at any given moment but I haven't." Tommy's face didn't change but he did stand up and go to the couch.

"I'm going to sleep you can convince Phil on your own." I sigh sinking down into the uncomfortable chair as I could still holding shroud in my arms.

After a couple hours I heard a knock on the door, finally getting up from the spot that I haven't left. Putting shroud in the couch with the sleeping form of Tommy.

I opened the door and hero Phil was standing there, "hey mate doing good I presume?" "Oh yeah I'm uh good yeah, but um I found Tommy" I said pointing to the couch.

"That's good, is there anything you need? Have food for dinner." "Yeah we do but there's something I need to ask you?" "Yeah sure what is it" "um well the thing is me and my friend are from a different server or I guess in your case universe."

"And we kinda need help to leave, and the uh portal to leave is in the um sky and we need your help to fly up there." We both stood there awkwardly and Phil seemed to be looking in space.

Also I keep seeing people commenting on the chapter visions and the thing says something like that purpled saw Tommy doing stuff. It was supposed to be about like C!tommy suicidal stuff not whatever you guys are thinking.

Also I drew a cover art, there's no line art cause I was doing something different, what do you guys think?

Also I drew a cover art, there's no line art cause I was doing something different, what do you guys think?

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