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Purpled POV

I watched as Tommy leaved with shroud, nothing but shroud. I'm surprised he didn't tray take one of the bags but he will come back.

Being alone after saving Tommy was weird, I didn't have any of the double gangers with me or anything so this is new. I looked back at this so called tv and watched what was playing, it shows the three hero's that came to get me and Tommy.

The headline was 'top three hero's chasing after top three vigilantes'. I could tell who these vigilantes were, it's was tommy,tubbo and ranboo. It was obvious by their outfits and appearance, but I'm guessing that the hero's have never met them.

I walk back and forth around the office trying to think of where he could of gone and what to do. I mean I could just go and find him but it might make it harder for Tommy to find me if he comes back.

But let's hope he's smart enough to come back.

He's definitely not smart enough. He's not back and I'm getting worried. The hero's came back a while ago but just said he'll come back but Tommy probably would be to stubborn too.

It's starting to get late and I don't know what to do, I want to go and find him but the hero's won't let me leave. They decided for the night to put me in this hotel.

"Stay here and I'll come by this morning and check on you, I promise we'll find your friend" I nodded and watched the other philza closed the door.

I shivered and looked around suddenly feeling like I'm being watched and that there's someone in the room with me. I look around the room and it was small but seemed cozy.

I ran to the door to find it locked, dont I get a key? Apparently not then, I looked around trying to find an exit. I saw a window and went to see if I could open it.

Which I could do a bonus for me, I look down to see the building has that ladder and platforms on the side. Perfect.

I climb out and jump onto the platform and go down the stairs. Once I was in the on the street I looked for a sign to tell me where I am.

On the sign I was a couple streets from the hero headquarters, ok time to think where would of Tommy gone. I go back into the side of the hotel.

I put my back against the wall and start to think of places where Tommy would of gone but my thoughts got suddenly interrupted by arms going around my waist and a hand over my mouth.

I try wiggle out of the arms but it's clear the person isn't letting be go. I try to bite the hand but fail I kick my foot in their foot to see if that did anything.

"Purpled what are you doing here, you know you can't be out without me" I heard a person similar to punz's. "I'm not your purpled let me go" I did my best to get the sentence out with his hand being over my mouth.

That made punz let go and so I threw him over my shoulder, "I'm from a different place I'm just here to find my friend." The other punz got up and looked at me up and down. "Don't do that, that's weird,"

"Then where's mine?" "I don't know what does your purpled do?" "Run off." I nod, yeah I do that a lot dont I.

"What's your friends name?" "Tommy" "I know where my Tommy is, he and tubbo and ranboo stays in this pool place."

Pool place. Didn't me and Tommy land in a pool when we came here, "yeah my Tommy could be there, I think we might if crashed here in that pool place" the punz nodded.

"I know where it is, but I won't take you tonight I need ti find purpled so I'll take you tomorrow. I know the trio are sleep in people so if we go early we should get there before they go for there runs"

" so I meet you here, tomorrow?" The punz nodded. "If any of the hero's ask you didn't see me" I nodded and watch the punz disappear, I look up to my open window and back to the street.

Hm maybe I should go get something l, yeah I'll find something to eat.

Next day early morning

Once Phil left with the other 2 hero's I immediately go to the window and open it, I crawl out and into the platform again. Following what I did last night and back onto the ground.

After a couple minutes punz came up behind me and scared me. "Put your hood up so the hero's don't spot you" I nodded following the actions and walked behind the white hooded man.

"Is it far? You know the pool" "not so far but it is a walk." "Did you find your purpled?" "Yeah he was sky gazing, he does that a lot I don't know why" "maybe cause he likes space or the stars" the punz turned to look at me then back to the street.

"Makes sense, he's was obsessed with aliens and all that stuff when he was younger" "I know" isn't that obvious, I know everything about your purpled cause he's me. "We're close hold tight" I nodded even though he couldn't see.

I looked up and saw some hero on the buildings or running after villains I'm guessing. "We're here" I look back straight and saw the same place tommy and I landed.

"Want me to go in with you or?" He dragged out the 'r' but I just shook my head in response. "I should be fine" I walked in and everything seemed normal.

I walked around for a bit but I felt something hit my head and then saw black.


Ok I'm sorry this took my long to finish I took a break for a couple days then just didn't have motivation but I did it.

Also those new lore streams am I right? I'm exited to see what dream does with Tommy.

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