Were married

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Purpled POV

It's probably been around a week maybe more since Tommy went missing. I haven't found much per say only that it could be like a alternate reality, but Tommy is the only difference.

I couldn't tell much from my visions but they have powers like me I guess that corresponds to their being. I haven't talked much to the other guys in the smp but have been playing more bedwars to clear my mind.

Today I thought I should visit Technoblade and philza maybe Wilbur but I don't think he's going to be much help. Tubbo and ranboo come around sometimes to hang in his house, I leave when they come so they have space but sometimes they let me stay.

At technos

I never understood how everyone can live in this cold environment, then again I'm from space so I can't complain.

I knock on Technoblade door and he opens it, "helo" he said in his monotone voice. "I came to ask questions" I said, I'm not scared of techno, no. I help defeat the red banquet with him us being the best pvpers on the server so I can take him.

"About who?" "Tommy" his face fell, not in good terms I see. "Come in mate" I hear philza say behind techno. I go in and Phil directs me to a chair that's next to Wilbur.

Well looks like he's going to be helping me, "what did you want to know" Phil ask handing me a hot chocolate. "Where do you think he would of gone" I ask, "damn straight to the point" I hear Wilbur say next to me.

"No idea mate, he could of either gone to a fighting server knowing him." "But he left cause he wanted to protect his son" everyone in the room shot up. "He has a son!" I hear techno say and I nod in response. "Why do you want to find tommy" I gulped, oh shit what am I going to do now. I can't tell them dream hired me, I know they are kind of allies with him but I can't afford telling them.

So what do I do, I can feel techno and wilburs eyes digging in me. It's got their big brother mode on and what I'm about to tell them will probably set them off. I sigh "we're married" uh shít no turning back now. I just hope Tommy doesn't get mad at me when he finds out, hell who cares he's going to die.

"What!" Wilbur said standing eyeing me more with a death glare. Technoblade stayed silent but I can tell he was fuming but philza seemed calmed with a smile on his face. "I was never informed about this" he said calmly, "yeah sorry Tommy wanted to keep it secret but I guess for the sake of his safety I could spill it" I said to try stay calm.

"We'll we have no idea where he is," "has he mentioned anything to you Wilbur, I know you've spent some time with him" I look over to Wilbur and he's back in his seat. "No" was all he said his hands in fists. I nod and stand "I should get going to find more clues you know" I said starting to walk out.

Before I could touch the doorknob techno grabs the end of my sleeve and looks at me sternly. "Touch my brother and your head is trophy" I smiled "says the one who's hurt him the most, his family" was all I said when leaving the cottage.

I stood at the edge of the forest line thinking to go to next. Fundy! He's a hacker so he could try hack outside the server to find similar ones. So I started running to las nevadas.

At las neverdas

I was walking around las neverdas for about five minutes intel I saw fundy, "fundy!" I yelled running towards him. He looked at me and smiled, "purpled where have you been, Quackity been looking for you. You've been missing your shifts me and foolish has been doing them for you"

"Oh right sorry but I need you to do something for me" "oh yeah sure as long as you start doing your shifts" I nod in agreement. "Good, so what is it do you need me to do" "I need you to hack outside this server and I need names of other servers that's similar"

Fundy gave me a weird look and nodded slowly. "I think so" dragging out the o. "I'll do my best, might be hard since dreams out but I can do it" I smile at him.

"Purpled!" I heard someone shout and turn to see its quackity, uh shit. "Hey quackity," "where's your suit, why haven't you been coming lately"

"Well I've been hired to look for someone" "oh? And who are you looking for" he said crossing his arms. "Tommy" and I saw his face paled, "T-Tommy?" His voice was ragged.

"Yeah he ran and I'm looking for clues to bring him back" quackity nodded, "once you find him, bring. Him. Here." Quackity said in a stern tone. I nodded and felt guilt, for what he's doing here's definitely going to get out in jail. Weather it's Sam or quackity who convinces him.

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