Chapter 2 - Lured Inside

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Iris's POV

I was then off adventuring again towards the abandoned castle. I had no other food to eat, which was very unfortunate because I needed it to keep on going through my rough days. I did have good days, but it was only some and that was life. That strange feeling last night, it made me think of the castle. Because what if someone had actually lived there and put a curse on me? 

I was panting lightly as I walked up the small hill and arrived at the castle. It looked the same, but it was creepy. Full of secrets too, I imagined. I slowly walked around the castle, touching it with my finger tips, feeling the roughness of the stone bricks. I had my black hair tied up into a messy bun, so I wouldn't be bothered by it too much. 

I then suddenly discovered something on a nearby tree, seeing my name carved into it along with a plus sign at the middle, and then a never heard of name at the bottom. 


Who was Vara? 

This was getting mega creepy. Iris + Vara. Hell no. I didn't know who this Vara was but I knew they were trouble. I never even met them. I didn't know what gender they were or anything! 

Was it a fucking foreshadow or something? Why am I asking myself when I should find this person and confront them? 

I walked away from the tree and went to the front of the castle, finding the large double doors open a little. I took a deep breath in, before breathing out and then walked inside. The main hallway was dark, so I had to grab my flashlight to see properly. When I turned it on, my heart felt like it stopped as the wallpaper was covered in blood stains, it was nothing like I had imagined. There must have been a serious fight here...

I walked further inside, hearing the door slowly creak from behind me. I quickly turned around, watching it close by itself. I ran towards it, dropping my flash light in the process and wrapped my hand around the door handle, trying to pull it open again but it appeared to be locked. Great. It looked like I was staying here. I should have known it was a trap.

I turned around and walked towards my yellow flashlight, picking it up and decided to explore more of the castle, looking for ways to escape this crazy place. Suddenly, all of the lights switched on, making me gasp. The light was dim, but it was enough to see everything around me. My flashlight then died a few seconds after, making me put it away in my bag safe and sound.

I was in the dining room, until I heard a woman's voice from behind. 

"I have been expecting you, but sadly you are trespassing my home. So for that, you will get a punishment." 

What? That didn't make any sense...

"I am innocent. Just open the doors for me and I'll go." I told her, staying completely still as I didn't want to make this situation worse.

"I know. Too innocent for this kind of world. Take off your bag, you won't need it anymore." she then ordered me. I did what she ordered, taking off my heavy bag and dropping it onto the ground. "What do you mean by, 'too innocent for this kind of world'?" I questioned the woman, "Raise your hands, I want to make sure you haven't got anything to hurt me with." she gave me more orders. 

"I don't want your filthy hands on me. Look at the fucking walls...-"

Then, I let out a loud groan as the woman pinned my wrists against the wall. Shit, she's strong!

"Don't ever and I repeat, EVER use that tone on me again, understand?" she hissed in my face, revealing two elongating fangs. Fangs? She's got fangs? 

"I understand! As long as you don't kill me." I told her. "Good girl. Now, do as you are told and don't make a hassle out of it." she said to me, and then she let go of my thumping wrists and started to search my belt. "Good girl for not having any weaponry on you. Now, you may know who I am."

"Vara." I spoke her name. "Exactly right. And you are Iris. The innocent adventurer." she responded back.


"Well, for your punishment, you will be staying here with me. Forever." 

 Great, I just got received a life sentence with the vampire woman. 

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