Chapter 7 - A New Mood

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Iris's POV

I woke up the next morning, letting out a small groan. "Sleep well?" Vee asked me. So this wasn't a dream after all. It was actually real. "Yeah, I guess I did." I replied, before I noticed that she looked a little bit sweaty. "Are you okay?" I decided to ask her, "As long as I am with you, I'm alright. Why do you ask?" she answered.

"Can you have a shower or something so you can stop sweating? It is quite gross." I then said to her. "I don't feel hot. But, I will have a shower. Do you want to come in with me?" she offered. "I'll pass." I said. Vee shrugged her shoulders at me, before she got up and went to the bathroom to have her shower. What was getting into her? Did I come back at the wrong time? 

I didn't know what was coming, but it certainly wasn't good. A few seconds later, I got up and changed into a different dress, which was a deep blue. It was also short, but I didn't care about that. I listened to the shower for a couple of minutes, watching Vee stare at me through the shower curtain. Okay, time to go downstairs.

A couple of hours later, I was starting to tidy up the garden, as it was actually my hobby. All of my lovely flowers were dead, which always makes me sad and a little bit disappointed with myself for leaving. As I was working, I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me stop what I was doing and looked behind to see Vee standing there. "I just came here to say that I love you." she said. Her eyes were a dark shade of purple, which wasn't a good sign. Something was coming up and I didn't know what it was. "What's going on with you?" I finally asked her, "Nothing, my love. I'm just very...I am just feeling a different mood today." she replied, choosing to be careful with her answer. Hm...

"Okay, I believe you on that one. What is this 'different' mood?" I began to question her, turning back to continue with what I was doing before Vee interrupted me. "I honestly don't know." she replied, "Whatever it is, it's powerful." 

Powerful? What could this mean? 

"Something in the air too, is making me feel all bubbly and wonderful." she carried on. "Vee, I'm sorry but can you leave me alone so I can do my garden?" I asked her, getting a little bit annoyed and fed up that she was bothering me.

A few minutes later, I looked behind to see that she had listened to me. 

I came back into the castle a hour later to have my shower before dinner time. 

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