Chapter 14 - Stage One

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// It's happening...

Iris's POV

I fluttered my eyes open, knowing that today could be the day, or tomorrow could be the day. I didn't actually know when it was going to appear, but Vee gave me all of those signs last night. Glossy skin, glowing eyes, flirty behaviour. It was all there. I sat up, looking beside me, seeing Vee. Good. She was still asleep. I kept calm as I got off the bed and went towards the wardrobe to get the both of the silk belts from the robes. I took a small deep breath, bringing the silk belts towards the bed, where Vee was.

I gently moved her arm towards the wooden beam and wrapped the belt around her wrist. This was so risky, but it was going to be worth it. If it was tight enough...

I then did the same to her other arm, moving her onto her back. I didn't know what to do about her legs, but I wanted to see what she would do with just her legs being free. This was for my safety, and she didn't need to put a robe on either, as she was already exposed.

I pulled down the duvet, pulling it off her and stood back. And just in time too, she was waking up. 

My heart skipped a couple of beats, watching her look around to see that she was tied down. "I had a feeling you were going to do this." she told me. She licked her lips, her eyes a dark shade of red. "This is only stage one." I said, before she laughed. "Well, I suggest you should run before I eat you up." she said back in a playful tone, she wasn't joking this time. She was serious.

"How are you going to do that then? The blood moon isn't here yet..." I began to say, until the room changed colour. Red means danger. Vee giggled at me, before she pulled at the fabric that was holding her down. "Three..." she began to count down, giving me a chance. I was then out of the bedroom and raced downstairs to hide.

"Two..." I heard her voice loud and clear, meaning that she freed herself already. I breathed heavily, quickly hiding under the dining table since there was a large cloth to protect the actual table. I closed my eyes tightly, bringing my legs up to my chest as it was then the waiting game. 

"One. Ready or not, here I come." she sang, hearing her come down the stairs. I listened to her footsteps immediately coming towards the dining room. I then felt the tiniest gust of wind, and then heard nothing. I opened my eyes, seeing Vee sitting on her knees. "Now that I have found you..." she began, before I immediately wasted no time into climbing out from under the table and ran back upstairs with her chasing after me.

I went back into the bedroom, slammed the door and locked it...

"Congrats, locked yourself in here with me." Vee congratulated me. "I am not giving up." I told her, before I felt her cold hand go under my night dress. I bit my lip, holding it back. She then pulled her hand away, gently grabbing my hand and guided me to the bed. I closed my eyes again, feeling her push me down onto the mattress. 

"Can I rip this night dress?" Vee asked me. "Go ahead...I never really liked it anyway." I told her. I then heard the sound of fabric ripping and felt Vee touch me with her cold hands. I arched my back, biting my lip and accidentally caused it to bleed. 

She pulled her hands away, deciding to use her body weight to pin me down. "Open your beautiful eyes for me, my love." she purred, causing a shiver down my spine. "Please?" she asked me. I didn't say anything, until Vee pressed her lips against mine. 

I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her back instantly. And then, it was game over. 

We began to moan softly, feeling Vee wrap her arms around me to sit me up. I opened my eyes, locking them with Vee's. She then pulled away, smirking.

"Why did you stop?" I asked her, before she leaned down to my neck and began to kiss my neck again. She then sank her fangs into me, giving me the pleasurable venom.

"H...Hey...that's c...cheating..." I told her, before it hit me. 

"We are moving onto stage two, my love."

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