Chapter 15 - Stage Two

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// BLOOD MOON CHAPTER! <3 <3 <3 (Oh, and happy Halloween.)

Iris's POV

I watched my girlfriend pull away, so she could look into my eyes again. We were having skin to skin contact, which made everything intoxicating. I didn't care if I had blood trailing down from my neck, I had someone to clean it up for beautiful and stunning Vee. 

Her eyes were changing colour again, but this time, it was the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed which made me snap out of her spell, using my hands to push her accidentally too hard, making her fall off the bed. My heart was beating rapidly from fright and adrenaline. I let out a small scream as I watched her climb back onto the bed with no issue, but she was on her hands and knees, crawling towards me. I was her prey. And she was the hunter. 

I grabbed the nearest thing which was the belt from the robes that I had took and used. I closed my eyes and wrapped the belt around my head, tying it at the back. But, that was no use as Vee pulled my blindfold off, slipping it off with ease. "You didn't have to over-react like that, my love." she told me. Her eyes had changed into this strange extremely dark purple colour, making her eyes look black and soulless. 

I started to crawl backwards, until my back touched the bed board. "Let me consume you...please." she said, before she chose to sit on me. "What do you mean by that?" I asked her. "I want to turn you into a beautiful vampire, like me." she chuckled.

I then went to push her off me again, before she pressed her lips against mine deeply and passionately, stopping me from doing so. Our tongues then met up with each other, causing a chill down my spine as her plan was working. "Can I?" she asked me inside of my mind.

As a reply, I tilted my head back for her. I felt Vee kiss down to my neck, before she licked it and bit into me again. Then, my body started to feel extremely hot, it almost felt like I was burning alive. But damn, it felt good.

"I love you, Vee." I told her, before she wrapped her arms around me as I had started my transformation. She pulled her fangs out and placed her hand on the side of my cheek. Then, I watched her bite something inside of her mouth, before she pressed her lips against mine again. 

I then felt the lovely thick liquid touch my taste buds, causing something inside of me to awaken...

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