Chapter 8 - Kisses and Bites

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// Something's around the corner...<3 <3 <3

Iris's POV

I woke up at midnight again, because I knew something was off about Vee. She looked paler and more terrifying, for a vampire. I decided to slowly get up from the bed and quietly walked out of the room, to sleep in the spare bedroom that I was going to sleep in. I got into the double bed and laid down, trying to get some sleep again. 

I closed my eyes until I felt the mattress sink down. "Why did you come in here?" Vee asked me. I opened my eyes again, so I could see her...

What the fuck? Why were her eyes glowing like that?!

"What the fuck happened?!" I asked her, "Huh?" she responded. "Your eyes, they...-"

"...are beautiful?" she finished the sentence. Nope! I was so out of here! Probably this was the reason why I left her in the first place. She was a blood-sucking monster!

She leaned down to my neck, giving it a little sniff. "Delicious..." she said in a seductive manner, and just when I was going to get up and run, I felt her fangs sink in. The bite felt painless, since she had already bit me before. A few seconds later, she pulled them out and went to kiss me, until I easily pushed her off and ran straight towards the bathroom. "Oh no you don't." I heard her warning tone, making me slam the door and lock it, then did the same thing to the other door. 

I panted heavily, taking a quick peak at the mirror. Yep, my neck was bleeding. Lovely. She had a strong sense of smell so she needed my blood. Not some of it, all of it. This was going to get messy quick if I don't think of a good plan. She couldn't teleport, unless she grew much stronger than last time. 

"Key key key...come on!" I heard her through the left door. Iris, what are you DOING?! Don't just stand there like a idiot, HIDE!

I went into the bath tub and pulled the curtain across. That was when I heard her begin to unlock the door which made my heart skip a couple of beats. The door then opened, making me cover my mouth to stop myself from breathing out loud. But, that didn't save me as Vee pulled the curtain open and smirked at me. "You have always been like this. So afraid of nothing." she said to me, before I chose to get up from the bath and ran back into our bedroom and went straight towards the door, only to realise that she locked it so I couldn't escape. "Do you recognise the robe that I am wearing, my love?" she asked me, while she was locking the bathroom door again. 

I slowly turned my head to look at her, my eyes widening slightly. It was the one that I made for her. A beautiful silk red with her name sown onto it. Once I had a look, I turned my head back so I was staring at the locked brown door. "I want you to take it off for me. Please?" she decided to ask me. I let out a deep sigh, remaining where I was. 

I felt her come behind me, feeling her hands touch mine. I jumped a little at first, because of the huge temperature difference. Then, I started to undo the knot of her belt. "Turn around, my love." she told me. I closed my eyes, before I did what she told me to do. "Now you are being a bit silly. I won't hurt you. You know I won't." she then said. I felt her breath on my face, meaning she was super close to me. So close in-fact, I could feel her body against mine. 

Then, I opened my eyes without my brain knowing. She was too irresistible. 

"Vee..." I said her nickname in almost a whisper.

"Yes, my love?" she asked me. 

I pressed my lips against hers, and then things started to escalate as my beloved Vee picked me up as if I was a feather and laid me down on the bed, taking off my night dress in the process. "What do you want me to do, my love?" she asked me in-between the kiss.

"I want you to make me yours." 

 // To be continued on Chapter 9...

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