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??? Pov

The horrors of the battle's were unimaginable, the mutated creatures with multiple arms, legs, heads... they attacked like they felt nothing, as much as we killed there were 100 more. And they were all led by her. A girl with magic powers that even Articul couldn't match! But we all wanted to win. We tried to fight, but the fight was going badly, it was a lost war, but we couldn't surrender.

The Lord August Called me to his Throne Room. I was confused, he refuses me to fight enemies? The City was under attack! I just forgot it and walked into the Throne Room. It was a Large Room, made from stone brick's. There was a red carpet in the middle going up to the Throne, which was made from Gold. On the walls there were many paintings of events of Ancient Humanity, the first Nether-Overworld War, Discovery of Precursor Ruins, Technological Progress of our nation etc. I come closer to the Throne and kneel down.

"Welcome, stand up" The Lord Said "I have something important to tell you."

"What is it m'lord?" I said, confused.

"To put it simply, you are going into cryosleep under my order."

Cryosleep, Roseline told me about this, it's when the organism freezes so much it is preserved perfectly. It could lie Thousands of years and still be the same as it was before. But my question was, why? Why did I have to abandon all Human, Nether and End soldiers. What would it give us?

"My lord, what's the point?! I should be there helping our soldiers!" I shout, frustrated.

"It is required, you will help the civilizations that will rise later, we cannot win but maybe the next generation can." The Lord stated, with a calm voice.

"I... yes, m'lord."

"Come with me."

He pulled out a brick and an elevator opened, and we went down. After it reached the final floor, I saw a small cave with a teleporter in it.

"It's a one way trip, you will go there and enter the pod, don't worry. I'm going to hide your items in a spot you will always remember."

"Is there anything else I need to know?"

"No, go and help others when the time will come"

"Goodbye my lord"


When I entered the portal, I came into a dark room made out of reinforced concrete. There was one pod in the middle. It looked like a tube but it had a blue glass that I assumed was the "door" to it. I noticed the portal closed behind me, so there is no going back. I walk towards the pod and click on the panel. The pod opened and I entered it. After a while I started feeling cold and everything went black.

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