Chapter 11

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Rain's Pov:

We were heading back to Dreadfort, For almost all of us it was a very depressing moment. The Leader of the Frostbourne had died, I didn't really feel connected to him, but it reminded me of my friends in the village, who died by the same hands, from the bandits. I could tell Darryl and Patrick felt bad for his dead, especially Patrick. He seemed like he was dying inside, his face was so emotionless. Only his eyelids moved to blink. That new girl, whose name is Stella, looked happy to be out. She didn't mind that he died because she didn't know who died, and even if she knew I'm sure she wouldn't have been struck by it as much as us.

We approached the gate, the guards looked shocked, they opened the gate and ran down immediately. It caught the attention of people down the street, who also approached us. They just looked at the body with wide eyes. Some people in the background started to cry while the guards took the body.

"We will mourn his death tomorrow" Darryl told me "When an important person dies, we hold a tournament for his soul. A duel tournament of course. There is no prize, we do it for the person that dedicated his life for Frostbourne. To pay him for his doings. I hope to see you there."

"If that's your tradition, I'm in." I responded. After that I went to the Castle. I wanted to forget everything. I entered my room and shut the door. It was beginning to get late, which meant that we spent several hours on the "trip". I layed down on the bed and soon, I was asleep.

Darryl's Pov:

Rain went to his room, but we still had a job to do. We needed to check who Theo chose as his successor, if he chose no one, The Scout Leader, The Scholar and the Army Leader would have to find someone good enough to be a leader. At the current moment, it would be me, Azura and Hilda. Theo's last will would probably be in his office. I entered the room and opened his desk. There were a LOT of papers there. How did he organise anything there? I decided to look there later if I don't find it anywhere. My next Idea was to search the spruce closet on the right. Theo installed it 2 days ago... Who then thought he would end up like this? I shook my head and opened it up. There was one folder in there, and in this folder I found his last will. And it said that the next leader would be... Patrick, wow. Who would have guessed? But there was one more sentence there, "If he doesn't accept the position of the leader. Give him the letter titled "To The Future Leader"." I left the office and decided to gather everyone to tell them. Patrick was prepared to be the leader for quite a while, there is no way he won't accept the position of one, right?

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