Chapter 1

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Rain's Pov

Who knew Bandits would come all the way here? No one. Who was ready for them? No one. The only thing I know is that my village was reduced to ashes and that everyone is surely dead... even her.I traveled on a small graveled road in the middle of a snowy, taiga forest. Hoping to find anyone friendly. I heard something, a man speaking. I hid behind a tree and listened.

"Are you sure this village is safe? I heard Bandits of the Lost Deserts started roaming nearby" A man said

"Ser Theo's order is to go there and ask if they need any help, are you afraid of a few bandits?" Another man said, He seemed a little bit pissed.

So they wanted to help? I wanted to reveal myself when one of them shouted.

"Patrick, do you see these smokes?! We must go!"

Then I left my hiding spot. There were 2 men standing near a tree, with 2 horses tied up to it. One had what seemed like Iron Armor, but on the heart and eye's there were blue spots. He also had 2 spears tied to his back. Who fights with 2 spears? Is this guy insane? The other one wore a mask and a brown skin jacket. He had brown hair and 2 guns holstered on a belt. When they saw me they drew their weapons.

"The village is gone and so are the inhabitants, I am the only one left" I claimed

"Are you sure?" The man with the armor asked


"Fine then, you are going with us. We are going to take you to a safe spot for the time being. Let's go Darryl, we have no time."

They both jumped onto their horses, the one I assumed is Darryl giving me a hand to jump onto his. They rode somewhere, but I couldn't focus on anything else. I have lost everything, what's the point anymore? After what felt like a day, one of them spoke to me:

"Hey, are you fine? We are going to arrive at the Dreadfort soon." Darryl spoke

"Sure, just tired I guess" I replied, of course not being fine.

"Darryl, this man surely has trauma after what happened, give him a rest" The man in the armor spoke.

"Yes, yes Patrick. Anyways, who attacked your village?"


"I think those were the Bandits of the Lost Desert..." I replied, with a soft and quiet voice. I couldn't think about this anymore. They were all dead because of them! All the people I knew.

"Impossible... they wouldn't come all the way here from the desert!" Darryl said, confused.

"We are going to discuss it with Ser Theo when we arrive at the Dreadfort. Now watch how you ride, you almost fell into a river!"

At this moment I started to look around, we left the forest and were traveling near a frozen river. On the horizon I saw a quite big wooden castle, it should be the "Dreadfort" they are talking about. Let's see what awaits me there, maybe that was my fate?

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