Chapter 13

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??? Pov:

"I told you it's the perfect time to strike! No one can help them now! Their only ally needs to reorganise! Just let us attack Berkina! And why are you supporting her Zaguk!" I shouted at the fellow undead council members. We had a perfect opportunity to burn the port city to the ground right with King Mark. But no, because they want to prepare! We have like 2 days before Frostbourne reorganises and will be ready to help them. There is no time to waste.

"Uistr, I'm not going to risk all my creepers because you think we have a good chance of destroying them." Berkina responded, glaring at me with her red creeper eyes. I pounded my bone fist onto the table.

"It's the perfect chance, one that Lance gave us. One in 1000 years! You are all insufferable" I shouted at them. I wanted to leave and go alone. But then he spoke:

"We are leaving tonight. No questions asked." And he left. Leaving us staring at each other.

Few hours later

Mark's Pov:

What a beautiful day it is. And my kingdom prospers better than ever.

I have yet to hear any news from the frostbourne. They didn't respond to my message that I sent a week ago... I think I will send someone there. Then Dimitri showed up.

"My lord" He said as he bowed before me, his steel armor shining in the sun.

"I told you that you don't have to bow, I hate this tradition." I responded, "Anyway, what's the matter?".

"There is suspicious movement coming from the Undead Citadel, our scouts report Undead gathering in the direction of the port city. How should we respond?" Dimitri asked, I could see fear in his eyes.

"Send a message to the frostbourne and ready the guards. We must be ready."

"Yes, m'lord." He responded, and then left. It seems the undead want to try it again. Let's hope Frostbourne can get our message. If not, we are doomed.

I looked into the sea, awaiting something. A sign that I will win. But all I saw were grey clouds gathering, Silence before the storm...

Ceris Pov:

Zeganirn didn't return in a few days. I was beginning to worry. I tried to not lose my thoughts. Reading the prophecy book was a good way of calming down. I was looking, looking for answers. Is Naeus really telling the truth? One page caught my interest.

It was destroyed a bit, I guess time wasn't nice to this book.


After 2- thou-and ye--s from th- f---t acci--nt pass, the w--ld will have to be -----, do n-t let her h--- the art--acts. It sh--l be up to th--e who w-ll li-e --en to fight her ----, but re---ber. Do Not --t her the ----facts.


Artifacts? What does it mean? And who is she? I have to gather everyone and talk about it. Maybe Gwendolyn could have helped if she was still here... *sigh*.

"Ceris!" Ender rushed in, holding tight his bow. "Zeganirn is back. He said he wants to talk to you. Go to the Obsidian Hall to meet him."

"Thank you Ender." I gave him a smile, and left the room. What did Zeganirn want?

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