Chapter 4

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Ceris pov:

After the meeting with Naeus, we decided to prepare for army maneuvers. I called Ender, Vordus and Zeganirn for a meeting. We entered the Obsidian Hall of the Dragon's Fortress in Dragonspire. Vordus was to speak first:

"My queen, are you sure we can believe him?"

"Yes, he never lied before." I respond

"I think it's a trick" Ender claimed

"He never said, "give us help", he ordered us to prepare. We can do that without risking anything." Zeganirn said, annoyed.

"So, when should we begin? I ask

"We can gather the army in 5 hours" Ender said

"Then let's go, we need to be ready" I responded.

We all left to do our jobs. I tried searching the library for any books that can guide us if the danger is real. The Dragonspire library was so large It took 5 hours before I found something useful. A book of prophecies, I wanted to read it but I realized the maneuvers were about to start. I quickly teleported to the place we were supposed to go, a lonely End Island near Dragonspire. I saw thousands of Enderman ready, and tens of our ships from the Fleet. I was happy to see the whole army again, it made me feel safe.

"We are ready, Matriarch" Ender spoke

"Then let's start" I respond

The Enderman started to duel, victory didn't matter to them, training did. End Ships started to fire on a target to test the accuracy of our cannons. Watching them made me happy. It felt like these ships were our power. Zeganirn spoke:

"They will always be ready for all dangers. Look how they fight right now. Brave and dangerous. Imagine how they will find when the End will be on the stake. We have nothing to fear."

"I hope so... I hope..." I respond

This was always my fear, that the end will feel, it didn't matter if it would be from the hands of Lance, nether, humans or something bigger. I always wanted the best for my people, and I don't want them to live as slaves or worse, for them to die. I want them to live happy lives. I always hoped everything would be fine, but will it? The End wasn't attacked for 5 years, so I guess no one wants to attack us now. An hour passed before the maneuvers ended. All the soldiers went to their homes, and I returned to the Library. I forgot where I put the book, but I couldn't find it. As I found it, Ender teleported to me and said:

"Matriarch, Lance is attacking us."

Lance and his stupid rebellion, fighting against the Ender Watchers for 300 years or more. They never were powerful, he was alone with a small group of Endermen. Maybe he was a powerful mage, but that's it. He thinks we are weak for not conquering the world. He wants the end to thrive, but in a different way we see it.

"Is he even a threat? How many Enderman does he have, 30?"

"No, Ceris. He has an army of Vexes!"

What? Lord Vriuks was with Lance? He never even approached anyone? How did Lance manage to get him to help him?! It didn't matter now, we needed to defend the Dragonspire!

"Gather all armies, we are going to defend Dragonspire and its people!"

"Yes my queen" And he teleported away.

The battle was coming, and I was ready. My Greatsword will guide me!

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