Chapter 2

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Rain's Pov

After a while, we approached the Dreadfort, a Stone Brick Wall that was built around the city. In the middle of it stands a Enormous Castle made out of stone bricks and spruce wood. A Soldier with iron armor that had blue shoulders at the top of the Gate called us:

"Welcome back Ser Patrick and Darryl, who is this guy?" The Soldier asked

"The only survivor from Glacierford, it was attacked by the Bandits of the Lost Desert. We are going to report to Ser Theo." Patrick replied

"Hmm... weird. Anyways, I'm going to open the gate for you. Goodluck on the talk with Theo!"

"Thanks" Darryl replied

The Gate opened, inside there were many people walking around. On the left of the gate Merchants traded supplies. On the right there were a few homes. A gravel path was in the middle, it led through the city. After a while we stopped at the stable, we jumped off the horses and they gave them to the Hostler. We entered the castle after a short walk from the stable to it. The entrance was guarded by 2 guards wearing the same iron armor with blue shoulders. They let us in and we went up the stairs to a room on the right. Patrick entered the room first and Darryl the second with me being the last. The Room was small, the walls being made out of spruce wood. There were many maps and weapons on the walls. In the middle there was a small desk with a pile of papers and a pen. There was a man sitting on a chair. His Armor was quite different from the normal soldiers. It was white and had some gold decorations on the chest. He spoke first:

"Who is this man?" The man asked.

"Ser Theo, this man claims to be the only survivor after the Bandits of the Lost Desert pillaged and burned Glacierford." Patrick explained.

"Huh? Them being here?" He turned to me "Are you sure those were the Bandits of the Lost Desert?"

"They had their logo, a sun setting down on a desert on a banner." I responded.

"Darryl, take 2 of your bandits and go look around the village. Patrick, take him to Azura. After that come back to me"

"Yes Ser!" They both said loudly and we left.

We left the room. Darryl went down the stairs and me and Patrick went across the corridor. The corridor was really empty, only a few plants and doors but that's about it. Patrick knocked on the fourth door on the right.

"Open!" A women voice said.

We entered a big room, there was a couch in the left corner and a giant desk in the right one. There were many weird things on that desk. Most of my attention took the tube with a box on the back, what was it? Near that Desk standed a woman which I assume is Azura. Her hair was blue and she wore a lab coat.

"I hope this doesn't bother you, but Ser Theo wanted you to take care of this man. He is new here." Patrick said.

"Yea... perfect... That's what I wanted. One of my batteries exploded destroying some of my plans and now this..." Azura said, with a tired voice.

"Are you fine? I can take care of him if you need some time."

"No, I'll take care of him."

"Well, then goodbye Azura!" Patrick said leaving. Closing the door behind him.

"So, before we start. I'm going to explain some rules to you. You don't touch in this room. Knock before you enter anywhere, and don't disturb the trainings, understood?"

"Yes" I replied

"Perfect, now let me take you to your room. I guess you'll need it"

"Then let's go."

We walked out of the room, and went upstairs.

"Your room is the third on the left, here is a key." Azura said "I hope you can handle yourself now?"

"Sure, can I ask what's your name?"

"I'm Azura, and you?"

"Oh, my name is Rain"

"Well, I'm going to go now. Goodbye Rain"


Azura left and I decided to enter my room. I put the key and turn it. The room was small, with a bed, small furnace and a table with 2 chairs. I felt really tired so I just laid down on the bed and went to sleep.

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