Chapter 17+

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A/N: So, this chapter is a little bit different. Basically it collects opinions and thoughts of everyone on the expedition. I decided I will make something like these from time to time to give some insight on how the characters feel about different things. That's all, enjoy reading.

Darryl's pov:

I'm worried for the Irrarians, they never invested much into the army which makes me think they could have not held. Undead became more powerful in the last couple of years. Still, why didn't they send any messages to us? It's... weird. I surely hope we will get answers. Azura seems worried about this expedition, but we have to check on our allies no matter what.

Patrick's pov:

The recent situation has made many things unclear. Why didn't the bandits just kill me? Why does Lance care about defeating us when he still has the Ender Watchers to worry about? Why Irrarians didn't message us? Are they even still alive? So many mysteries that we must solve, and yet I mostly care about Frostbourne. I know Hilda is a good commander but the bandits are a legitimate threat and I don't want to come back to the ruins of something I swore to protect. And why do I feel like this isnt going to end like planned?

Hilda's pov:

So it has been decided, they are leaving me with all the burden to check on the Irrarians. At least someone could stay but now I gotta manage it all by myself! I'm not an Economist, so I won't be able to deal with things for a long time. Theo would never make such a decision. It seems our new leader still has much to learn. But we have to remember Theo also didn't have enough time to teach him everything... Let tundra protect us.

Rain's pov:

Finally we are moving somewhere! It's time to visit some new places after all, seeing only snow and trees has become boring by now, 20 years of the same. I never heard before about Irrarians, I wonder what they believe in? Is it also a militaristic country like Frostbourne or maybe they are more peaceful? And I will have a lot of time to get to know more about the others. I wonder if Patrick is really ok, he seems off track.

Stella's pov:

Rain told me they are going to Irraria and asked me If I wanted to go. Of course I said yes. It's time to meet some old friends there. I haven't seen Vaslar in some time, I wonder how he is doing. Last time I met him he was pretty tired of working on the farm. And yet his knowledge is useful to all seeking insight into magic. He knows more stuff than anyone else I know! I also can't wait to get to know others more. Making new friends is the best adventure, even though sometimes it takes a bad turn...

Azura's pov:

While I'm happy to finally be able to stock up on important resources for me, this whole thing seems like a lure. Why would the bandits leave such a piece of information almost unattended. It's like they wanted us to get it. Like come on, no one defended it! What if they will ambush us on our way or attack while we will be too far away to help the Frostbourne. I tried talking to Darryl but he says we "have to check as good allies". And I cannot stay because I have to monitor Patrick's mental state. While he seems to be good now, I don't know what events may change it. I think this loss may haunt him for a long time...

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