Chapter 16

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A/N: So, it was a long month without updates. Im sorry but this chapter has been hard to write. But here it is now. I hope you will enjoy it.

Azura's Pov:

I walked through the corridors of the Dreadfort looking for Patrick. My first Idea was his room. I came close to the spruce door and knocked... nothing, I knocked again... still nothing. I pulled the handle down and tried to enter. The door opened and revealed an empty room. He wasn't there, but one item caught my eye, it was a book about the Old World, that's how we call the world when Ancient Empires were still standing. How I wished I could talk to the Ancient Humans! One archeologist found one of their creations, and it was just... beautiful. It was a machine that could calculate things, doing the most complex mathematical calculations in seconds! If only I could use this thing... Thank you Scorch. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and left the room, so he wasn't there... Maybe he will be in the study? I walked through the same corridor that I came here from and opened the doors to the study. It was also empty, it looked like nothing changed here after Ser Theo... died. Just thinking about it could make someone sad, and Theo was like a Father to Patrick in a lot of ways... this isn't going to be an easy talk for sure. But the most important question is, where is he? Without much more idea's I searched the whole Castle to only find a few guards and none knew where he went. The tournament made this place so empty. Right! The tournament! Maybe he went there. I ran out of the Castle and went to the place where the tournament was being held.

Rain's Pov:

The tournament would start soon, I was so excited! Fighting with professional soldiers will be fun, and maybe I will meet a few people there? Who knows! Just from nowhere, the drums started playing which meant one thing... The first fight has begun.

On one side there was a Frostbourne Guard in their standard armor, holding a blue mace, it looked like it was made from ice, but that is impossible. Do they paint them? On the other side stood someone... new. He had a black hair and his clothes were all red except the brown leather boots and belt, and the iron or steel shoulder pads. His weapon looked like an axe, except he could retract it to hold only its blade. Then I could hear slow "3... 2... 1... Fight!" And they both engaged in combat, the red guy used his weapon advantage of longer range and stayed out of his opponents reach. The Soldier tried to slide under the axe and get him on the ground, but the Red guy quickly dodged to the side and using his axe pulled the mace out of his hand. The Red guy won the battle. The next battle was mine, I entered the arena and saw my enemy to be also someone new. It was a girl with black hair, wearing a dress with a red top and black bottom. She held a Katana in her right hand. I drew my sword and waited... "3... 2... 1... Fight!" We both ran at each other and I tried pulling off the fast victory by blocking her Katana under my sword, but then the girl jumped over me and attacked me from behind. I turned in just the second to block her attack with my sword and kick her knee to distract her, it worked and as she backed off I swung my sword down, blocking her katana and digging it up in the ground. She tried attacking me with her bare hands but when I held up my sword to her throat, she had no other choice but to surrender. The victory was mine. The next opponents entered the arena. The red guy would be facing now... Stella? What was she doing there?! Does she even know how to fight? She held tight a burned up and dirty brown book, or at least I think it was brown.. When the red guy drew his weapon Stella released the book and it started to float next to her. What was happening? The announcer began to speak: "3... 2... 1... Fight". As the red guy approached Stella she released a small, glowing blue ball that hit him and knocked him back, just then a white, glowing sword appeared next to her and she used it to attack the red guy. At this point I knew she used magic. She never told me she knew magic! Hmm... now to think about it, maybe she went back for the book back then?

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