Chapter 9

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Rain's Pov

We ran towards the entrance, 2 guards faced us at the entrance. Theo crushrd one guard with the hammer and Darryl shot the other one.

"That was surprisingly easy" Darryl spoke, looking at 2 bodies

"It won't be so easy inside. Let's move!" Theo responded, opening the door.

We went inside, it was a stone brick corridor with a faint light of the torches on the wall. When did they have time to build all of this? The stone bricks looked old, so they must have been here for a while. 3 Bandits saw us and approached us. Darryl shot 2 of them and I ran up and sliced the last one into pieces. "Heh, this sword is good" I thought.

"Hey, save your energy for the leader, Rain." Darryl spoke and laughed

"I have enough energy to send them all back to nether!" I responded

"Alright, there are 2 corridors here.

Rain, go to the left. I and Darryl will go to the right." Theo said walking up to us

"Are you sure this is a good Idea?" Darryl asked, looking at him

"Well, Rain. Do you think you can go on your own?"

"Yes, I survived them destroying my village, I can survive here" I

responded, anger slowly awakened in my heart.

"Then, let's go" Theo and Darryl ran to the right

I went to the left corridor, the walls looked like they would crumble down, is it their heritage? How old is this building?

"Get him, defend the cell!" I heard a man shout, I looked up and saw 2 guards with black armor and longswords rushing towards me. I waited for one of them to attack and blocked his sword. I kicked him back and the other one tried to slash me but I dodged the attack. I cut the arm off one of the guards and he fell down, the other one got up and ran towards me with the sword. He hit my leg and I pierced his heart with my sword. Why would he attack my legs? I had armor there. Anyways his sword didn't even pierce the armor and I went straight to the place they were standing at. There were many cells.

"How am I going to find him? I thought.

"Wait, I have an idea...."

"Ser Patrick,are you here?!" I shouted, awaiting a response.

"Who is this?" A man's voice responded

"Where are you?" I didn't have time to answer his stupid questions.

"Cell 4F" He responded

I walked up to the cell. There was a button there. Ser Patrick was sitting on the floor, apparently they uncuffed him before the attack? I guess we are lucky.

"Oh, it's you... Rain. Wait, what are you doing here?! He asked me.

"I'm here to save you, now let's go. It's weirdly quiet." I responded while I

pushed the button.

"Wait, I saw one more prisoner here. It was a girl with magenta hair. I think she is on the first floor." He said, picking up a sword from the guard.

"I'm going to pick her up from there, go to Theo. You should find him if you go straight." I responded, looking into one of the cells.

"Good luck," Patrick said and ran away.

"Now, where can she be?" I thought, looking through the empty cells. Until I found a cell with a girl on the ground. She had a witch hat, magenta hair and a black dress. It looked like she was sleeping. I opened the cell's door and spoke to the girl, counting to wake her up.

"Hey, wake up. We need to go." Nothing...

"Wake up, we have no time." Still nothing...

"Wake up!" I shout.

The girl seemed to finally wake up... my lord. She looked up and saw me. She backed away and just looked at me.

"Who are you? And where is my book!" She asked, while scanning the floor.

"My name is Rain, and I don't know."

"So, you are not a guard?" She said while staring at me.

"No, and I'm going to get you out of here, let's go." I responded while giving her my hand. She took it and I helped her stand up. We ran towards the exit.

Strange, no one was stopping us. I hope the others are fine.

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