Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, school and stuff kills me. I dont think ill be able to post in a while because of many tests im going to have. Ill try to do my best, enjoy reading this chapter!

Darryl's Pov

F*ck This place! We needed to split up again and now I'm searching for Patrick in this hellhole! If I just hit that guy! I wouldn't have to be here. Ugh... Strangely, I can't find anyone, no enemies or allies. It seems like they left us alone, but why? It made no sense at all! I walked through another corridor when I found out it was just a dead end. But, there was a door to the right. I opened the door and came in. It was a giant room with a big table in the middle, on it stood a map of the overworld and a letter. I took it and read it:


To Bandit Leader June

It's time to weaken the Human Factions of the overworld (Excluding you). Your job is to take on the Frostbourne, the militaristic human faction in the north-west Tundra. The Undead will take care of Irraria, which will not be able to defend itself without the aid of the Frostbourne. After you weaken Frostbourne, The Kingdom of Blazes will attack and destroy them. You will be rewarded for your actions.

Lance, the rightful End Emperor


I can't believe it! We needed to go back and warn Irraria! I took the letter and ran out of the room. I needed to get back to them fast! Unfortunately, a guy in leather armor appeared out of nowhere.

"You wont get out of here, Darryl. No one will!" The guy shouted, taking out a... gun?! They had guns! I quickly ducked and took my gun out. I shot his leg and quickly aimed at his arm. He was fast enough to fire a bullet at me, but he missed. I fired another shot and left him crippled. He fell to the ground, bleeding out. I ran past him and got to the place I split with Theo. I heard a faint sound from there.

"You'll pay for this!" Someone said, the voice sounded familiar. I entered the corridor and saw Patrick kneeling beside a body... It was Ser Theo's... The guy with the black cloak stood back at the end of the corridor. Even though I didn't see his face I could tell he was smiling, and then he disappeared.

"What Happened" I asked him.

He didn't respond, but just took the body and started to leave. I could see he was sad, maybe even depressed. After that guy disappeared, every Bandit retreated. We traveled through the corridors in silence, slowly marching towards the exit. Then I saw this new guy, Rain... but he was with someone else, she looked like a girl.

"Hey, Rain, who is this?" I asked him, getting out of the corner. He looked at me, then at Patrick.

"Found her in the Prison..." That's all he said, he kept glaring at us but couldn't say anything. He looked down

"Hey, Rain. Who are they, and who is this guy holding?" The girl asked, pointing at Patrick, smiling. I guess she didn't know how much it was for us.

"Doesn't matter right now. We are heading back to Dreadfort, this cursed place took too much from us." I responded, heading towards the exit. Everyone followed me, the girl seemed to be happy, like really? Someone just died! Nevermind... I hopped onto my horse, Rain and that Girl took his, and Patrick sat onto Ser Theo's horse, putting the body behind him.

"Let's move" He slowly muttered, and rode back to the Dreadfort. We followed him immediatly. I wonder how people are going to react?

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