Chapter 6

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Darryl’s Pov:

I woke up in my room, oh was it a hard night. It was really cold tonight so sleeping wasn't as comfortable as always. At least I had more time to train without anyone distracting me. I dressed up and left my room. I walked into the training field and began to shoot the targets with my handguns. It was so easy, I hit the head almost all the time, but shooting isn't everything. What if my clips go dry? I needed someone to parry with my axe, this was the moment I wished someone was here. I decided to lean against a wall and wait for someone. The snow, while cold, made a comfortable bed so to speak. The spruce trees surrounding the Dreadfort looked beautiful in the morning, with the branches being slightly moved by the wind. I began to think about my childhood, everything was peaceful back there, playing with my friends, going out with my Dad to hunt, everything was perfect. Now it's a fight for survival with Undead and others attacking us. Thankfully our good relations with Irraria help to maintain a good trade partnership, which helps us out a lot. I was taken out of my thoughts when someone spoke to me:

"What are you doing here this early, Darryl? A woman in standard frostbourne armor asked. I recognised her as Hilda, the Commander of Footmen.

"Nothing, I trained for a bit and decided to wait for someone to parry, you in?" 

"No, I have to prepare the training grounds for today's exercise." She replied with an irritated voice, I guess she doesn't like to do it.

"Maybe I can help you out? I don't have anything better to do."

"Sure, can you bring the cache with weapons from the magazine. It will have a green mark on it, you'll surely find it.

"Okay, give me a couple minutes and I'm back."

I got up and walked away to the Dreadfort, the streets were still empty with an occasional cat or a rat. I never understood why Theo wanted us to train so early, The exercises start at 8 am. Breakfast is at 7 am so we have to wake up at 6:30 am. But some people have to wake up earlier. I entered the magazine and started looking for the crate, but there were so many! Green mark she said, I thought looking at all the chests piled up. I traveled throughout the entire magazine, before finding the crate in the left corner of it. Who puts such a thing that far away?! I took the crate and left the magazine, I have to talk with Theo about that one. The city was starting to wake up with traders opening their stores and some people walking around. I noticed Patrick sitting on a bench near the Castle, he was reading a book, how did he not end it yet? I swear he started to read it 5 days ago! Before I could say anything a human with all black clothes, covered by black cloak and mask appeared behind him, I put the crate down and got my handgun out, "I never miss" I thought, but my hand was shaking, he was so close and I could shoot Patrick, what will I tell Theo? I focused and called a shot… I missed. The person took the opportunity and held a green, curved dagger to Patrick's neck and teleported away, with him. I felt nothing but disappointment, fearing my friend would die.

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