Chapter 15

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Zeganirn's Pov:

"Let's show them who's better."

I responded and teleported out until I was at the gate. Before the city the undead army was approaching slowly. Herobrine was in the lead with his pickaxe made from the bedrock. The Irrarian guards were gathered. They were ready. Mark approached with the Royal Soldiers. Their Armor coated with diamonds gave them better defense. Mark holded the honorary sword of the Irrarians, the sword of the first King. They never let someone study it but the sword surely isn't from normal material. It survived 1000 or more years! He held the Teal Handle tight with a black guard and blade above it. Dimitri followed after with probably the last detachment of guards. Just then the first arrows came our way. Skeleton Archers started bombarding us with their projectiles. I decided to go invisible and kill those Archers before they cause too much harm. I activated the knives and started teleporting in their way. In a moment I was behind them and then, the fun started. I threw the knives at 2 Archers and retrieved them, some skeletons started to approach me. I started stabbing them in different parts, ribs, hands or legs. I knew this would distract them for long enough to give me a good window to slice their heads off. The skeletons tried to stab me with their arrows, but they couldn't concentrate enough to land clean hits, some even stabbed each other. Then at the perfect moment I held my knives in a V position sending 8 knives to cut off their heads. I hit all of them perfectly. It never gets old. Then I heard an explosion, the gate was breached. I teleported back to the city and saw herobrine. It was time to defeat him. I teleported behind him and slashed his back. He turned to me and tried to stab me in the chest. I dashed to the left and threw a knife into his arm. He dropped the pickaxe. Was it that easy? That's the herobrine? Just then, red energy started floating around him, all of his wounds regenerated. He picked up the pickaxe and he began to run onto my position. Before I knew he stabbed me in the chest and got me down. Everything started to blur as I heard some faint words.

"Never... challenge me fool."

After that, everything went black.

Dimitri's Pov:

This is a disaster! Zeganirn is down and we hardly keep the undead at bay! Where is the Frostbourne when we need them! I stabbed another zombie while thoughts ran through my mind.

Herobrine and Mark began to fight while we slightly pushed back the undead to the gate. I went to help Mark. I distracted Herobrine by stabbing him in the leg, it regenerated quickly but it turned him to me. He got me in the arm as I saw Mark's sword go through Herobrine's chest. I expected him to do the same thing he did with Zeganirn, but he retreated? What happened? What secrets do first Irrarians hold?

The Undead retreated with him. Mark went to check on Zeganirn while I went to the medic. I will have to talk with Mark later.

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